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v27.0 testing #56

Open stratospher opened 3 months ago

stratospher commented 3 months ago

Testing Guide: Bitcoin Core 27.0 Release Candidate

if you're coming, please leave a comment below sharing:

  1. which OS you're running v27.0 on?
  2. have you done Preparation steps detailed in testing guide?
  3. shoot questions regarding rest of the testing guide! (or) cool stuff you observed!
spraveenitpro commented 3 months ago

I will join: 👋🏼

  1. Mac OS Sonama 14.2
  2. No - Onway
  3. Sure.
naiyoma commented 3 months ago
  1. Ubuntu 23
  2. Yes I have gone through the guide and completed the setup locally

Observations a) mempool.dat v1/v2 compatibility v1 format 0000000 0001 0000 0000 0000
0000008 v2 hexdump -n8 $DATA_DIR_27/regtest/mempool.dat 0000000 0002 0000 0000 0000

I guess this would imply that the mempool data has increased in v2 though I'm not sure about that

b) v2 Transport on by Default I thought that connecting to a v2 seed node would mean that all my peers would also be v2. However, I noticed that when I use bcli getpeerinfo, it outputs both v2 and v1 peers. Something interesting that I observed is that v1 peers don't have session ids

"connection_type": "outbound-full-relay",
    "transport_protocol_type": "v1",
    "session_id": ""
 "connection_type": "outbound-full-relay",
    "transport_protocol_type": "v2",
    "session_id": "b8739386b90b8dd7216152f2ad6b044535ceef7970cbe426e6756a404ebc214e"
jkciw commented 3 months ago

I will join.

  1. Macos Sonoma
  2. Completed the prep
ankuwu03 commented 3 months ago
  1. Windows 11 (using WSL: Ubuntu 22.04.)
  2. yeah done
  3. I observed backward compatibility to be really interesting and am currently comparing it to above ones Hope to have a good learning experience and hopefully contribute meaningfully :)