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Website hacking penetration exploitation bug hunting tools 🔧 #3580

Closed CyberGhazi786 closed 1 year ago

CyberGhazi786 commented 1 year ago

Please add these tools.

Subdomains enumeration:

Amass Assetfinder Crobat Findomain Github-subdomains Subfinder Sudomy subdomainizer sublister findomain

Subdomain Takeover:

Subover Autosubtakeover Tko-subs Subjack

Cloud Workflow: AWS_Recon festin lazys3 s3brute flumberboozle slurp

DNS resolver

dnsx MassDNS PureDNS ShuffleDNS DNSvalidator

Visual Inspection - Screenshots

Aquatone Gowitness httpscreenshot

HTTP probe

httprobe httpx

Web crawler / Content Discovery

Gospider Hakrawler ParamSpider gau gauplus waybackurls paramspider GF GF_Pattern Photon

Network scanner

Rustscan Masscan Naabu Nmap Brutespray

HTTP Parameter

Arjun x8 *

Fuzzing tools

Ffuf Gobuster Wfuzz Gobuster Dirsearch Dirb

LFI/RFI tools

LFISuite Fimap

XPR1M3 / sqli-lfi-xss-rce-dorker-and-auto-exploiter-Python

Spring4Shell: redhuntlabs / Hunt4Spring |

Log4j: log4jscan for Linux |

SSRF tools

SSRFmap Gopherus Interactsh

SSTI tools

tplmap *

API hacking tools

Kiterunner + API routes



Vulns - XSS

Dalfox Bxss XSpear kxss XSStrike Gxss FinDOM-XSS X5S Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework

Vulns - SQL Injection

SQLbit BSQL hacker SQLMap SQLninja Safe3 SQL injector SQLSus Mole NoSQLMap SQLmate ATLAS (WAF Bypass Suggester for SQLmap) SQLiScanner AutoSQLi Bypass-WAF-SQLMAP KhetaguriDimitri/SQL-Injection Agressiv1njector/psqli-pro AngelSecurityTeam/SQLiDumper-AngelSecurityTeam JohnTroony/Blisqy quadcoreside/QuadCore-Web-SQLi-Injecter-DB-Dumper enjoiz/BSQLinjector lanmaster53/sqli-exploiter Sqliv Havij BBQSQL Leviathan WhiteWidow jSQL Injection

CMS Scanner

WPscan droopescan AEM-Hacker Drupwn Wig

Vulns - Scanner

Jaeles Nikto ** Nuclei

JavaScript hunting

LinkFinder SecretFinder subjs GetJS


Wappalyzer CLI

Git Hunting / GIT Enum Tools:

GitDorker gitGraber GitHacker GitTools Githound Trufflehog Gitscanner

Sensitive Stuff Finding

DumpsterDiver EarlyBird Ripgrep

Useful tools

anew anti-burl getallurls gron Interlace jq qsreplace Tmux unfurl Uro

Web Exploitation Frameworks:

Sn1per Vajra Jok3r v3 beta osmedeus cobra Arachni TIDoS Framework sudomy Grabber Vega Zed Attack Proxy Wapiti W3af WebScarab Skipfish Ratproxy Wfuzz Grendel-Scan Watcher

JS Enumeration Tools:

jsscanner jsparser linkfinder

Fingerprint & CVE Tools:

nuclei webtech waf

noraj commented 1 year ago

Most of them are already in BA, and having a mega issue like this is not helping.