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issue with csharpserver #3943

Closed shinobyTN closed 1 year ago

shinobyTN commented 1 year ago

hi powershell-empire won't work for me idk why i tried to upgrade it and still doesn't work it says: [WARNING]: Plugin csharpserver does not support db session or user_id falling back to old method thank you for helping me

[INFO]: Checking submodules.
[INFO] :No .git directory found. Skipping submodule check.
[INFO]:v2: Loading listener templates from: /usr/share/powershell-empire/empire/server/listeners/
[INFO]:v2: Loading stager templates from: /usr/share/powershen-empire/empire/server/stagers/
[INFO] :v2: Loading bypasses from: /usr/share/powershen-empire/empire/server/bypasses/
[INFO] :v2: Loading malleable profiles from: /usr/share/powershell-empire/empire/server/data/profiles/
[INFO] :v2: Loading modules from: /usr/share/powershen-empire/empire/server/modules/
[INFO]:Searching for plugins at /usr/share/powershen-empire/empire/server/plugins
[INFO]:Initializing plugin: csharpserver
,[INFO] :Initializing plugin: reverseshen_stager_server
[INFO] :Initializing plugin: websockify_server
[INFO]:Initializing plugin: basic _ reporting
[INFO] :Initializing plugin: chiselserver
[INFO]:Initializing plugin: socksproxyserver
[WARNING]: Plugin csharpserver does not support db session or user_id falling back to old method
[INFO]:csharpserver: Starting Empire C# server
[INFO]:Plugin csharpserver ran successfully!
[INFO] :Empire starting up...
[INFO] :Compiler ready
[INFO]:StarkiUer served at http://10caIhost:1337/index.htm1
[INFO] :Started server process [74546]
[INFO] :Waiting for application startup.
[INFO]:Application startup complete.
[INFO]:Uvicorn running on http://ø.ø.ø.ø:1337 (press CTRL+C to quit)
noraj commented 1 year ago

What's your package version? What's the command you launched?

noraj commented 1 year ago

There is a bug template, please fill it, don't remove it.

<!-- This is a bug report template. By following the instructions below and filling out the sections with your information, you will help the developers get all the necessary data to fix your issue.
You can also preview your report before submitting it. You may remove sections that aren't relevant to your particular case.

Let's begin with a checklist: Replace the empty checkboxes [ ] below with checked ones [x] accordingly. -->

- [ ] I have searched open and closed issues for duplicates
- [ ] I am submitting a bug report for existing functionality that does not work as intended


### Bug description

Describe here the issue that you are experiencing.

### Steps to reproduce

- using hyphens as bullet points
- list the steps
- that reproduce the bug

**Actual result:** Describe here what happens after you run the steps above (i.e. the buggy behaviour)

**Expected result:** Describe here what should happen after you run the steps above (i.e. what would be the correct behaviour)

### Screenshots

<!-- you can drag and drop images below -->

### Info for developers

<!-- replace the examples with your info -->
**Device:** Manufacturer Model XVI (Only if you consideer needed, for example, network cards)
**GNU/Linux distribution:** (If you are using one distro that is not BlackArch, example: Manjaro, Anarchy, etc)
**Tool version:** 0.0.0

### Link to debug log

<!-- immediately after the bug has happened capture a debug log in your terminal and upload it to a paste service or a file and attach it -->
shinobyTN commented 1 year ago

What's your package version? What's the command you launched?

Well my package version is 5.4.2-0kali2 and the commande that i launched was sudo powershell-empire server

Let's begin with a checklist: Replace the empty checkboxes [ ] below with checked ones [x] accordingly. -->

Bug description

WARNING]: Plugin csharpserver does not support db session or user_id falling back to old method

Steps to reproduce

Actual result: [WARNING]: Plugin csharpserver does not support db session or user_id falling back to old method

Expected result: [WARNING]: Screenshot from 2023-08-25 17-11-51


Screenshot from 2023-08-25 17-15-41

Screenshot from 2023-08-25 17-15-20

Info for developers

Device: Manufacturer Model XVI (Only if you consideer needed, for example, network cards) GNU/Linux distribution: i'm using kali linux on VM Tool version: 5.4.2

Link to debug log

noraj commented 1 year ago

The is BlackArch Linux issue tracker, please report your issue Kali Linux: