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Dependencies on PEP517 Python packages #4139

Open D3vil0p3r opened 1 month ago

D3vil0p3r commented 1 month ago


On PKGBUILD with PEP517 template like python-thinc, since in package() the pip install command is run, I guess it will install all the dependencies specified in pyproject.toml file. At this point, is there a sense to still specify dependencies in depends variable of PKGBUILD if they are already installed by pip install?

micwoj92 commented 1 month ago

--no-deps is specified, which ignores dependencies of package. It would be much cleaner IMO to install packages python-installer instead of PIP.

package() {
    cd $_name-$pkgver
    python -m installer --destdir="$pkgdir" dist/*.whl

AUR package does it this way.

noraj commented 1 month ago
