BlackCatDevelopment / BlackCatCMS

BlackCat CMS is a PHP5, HTML5 content management system
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Unable to login after giving login credentials. #419

Open shree0 opened 1 year ago

shree0 commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to install BlackCatCMS 1.4 using the CPanel server. Able to install it successfully and can load the login page, but after giving login credentials the page was loading for some time and showed a This page isn’t working error. There are no other errors in the error log. So can you please help to resolve this issue?


creativecat commented 1 year ago

This could be a problem that should be fixed with an upcoming 1.4.1. (See issue #416 Can you try to download not the release but the current master, replace the files (the /account/ and /framework/ folders are enough). After that please have the password reset again, then it should work!

shree0 commented 1 year ago

OK. Thanks

creativecat commented 1 year ago

Let us know, if it works for you!

shree0 commented 1 year ago

I tried as you suggested but still facing the same issue.

creativecat commented 1 year ago

Did you reset the password?

shree0 commented 1 year ago

We are unable to do the manual installation. In the 1st step itself, we are getting the This page isn’t working error.

webbird commented 1 year ago

Without entries in the error log, it will be difficult to analyze this problem. However, I have a feeling that it is not due to the password. Nevertheless for explanation: Older versions of BlackCat CMS used MD5 to encrypt the password. Since this method is no longer considered secure, we have since changed this. BC detects the deprecated mechanism during the login process and re-encrypts the password if it is correct. So you could try to reset the password directly in the database and then login to BC. To do this, use phpMyAdmin or another tool provided by your provider. Then enter the following SQL command:

UPDATE `%prefix%users` SET `password`=MD5("%password%")

Replace %prefix% with the prefix you used during installation, e.g. "cat_". Replace %password% with the password you want to use. After the command has been executed successfully, you can try to log in to BC.

However, since the manual installation did not work either, I suspect that this will not remedy the situation. Some more information would therefore be helpful. BC only works with Apache as web server and mySQL or mariaDB as database. A specification of the respective version would therefore be helpful. Furthermore BC tries to log errors itself; the log file can be found in the subdirectory /temp. Possibly a look into the access.log of the web server helps, there you can find a HTTP code. 200 would be e.g. "ok", that means the address was found. Other codes like 404 (not found) or 302 (moved) indicate an error in the configuration. In addition, it would be important to know whether the server is running with HTTPS.

(Translated with the help of

webbird commented 1 year ago

Another question: Do you use a .htaccess? If yes, does it redirect http to https? This may result in "redirected you too many times" errors.

shree0 commented 1 year ago

No, We are not using .htaccess.

shree0 commented 1 year ago

Without entries in the error log, it will be difficult to analyze this problem. However, I have a feeling that it is not due to the password. Nevertheless for explanation: Older versions of BlackCat CMS used MD5 to encrypt the password. Since this method is no longer considered secure, we have since changed this. BC detects the deprecated mechanism during the login process and re-encrypts the password if it is correct. So you could try to reset the password directly in the database and then login to BC. To do this, use phpMyAdmin or another tool provided by your provider. Then enter the following SQL command:

UPDATE %prefix%users SET password=MD5("%password%")

Replace %prefix% with the prefix you used during installation, e.g. "cat_". Replace %password% with the password you want to use. After the command has been executed successfully, you can try to log in to BC.

However, since the manual installation did not work either, I suspect that this will not remedy the situation. Some more information would therefore be helpful. BC only works with Apache as web server and mySQL or mariaDB as database. A specification of the respective version would therefore be helpful. Furthermore BC tries to log errors itself; the log file can be found in the subdirectory /temp. Possibly a look into the access.log of the web server helps, there you can find a HTTP code. 200 would be e.g. "ok", that means the address was found. Other codes like 404 (not found) or 302 (moved) indicate an error in the configuration. In addition, it would be important to know whether the server is running with HTTPS.

(Translated with the help of

I have tried by updating the database. i.e. UPDATE %prefix%users SET password=MD5("%password%"). But still, I am facing the same issue.

Is BC does not work in HTTPS?

webbird commented 1 year ago

BC works perfectly with HTTP and HTTPS. What I was trying to explain is that the error described may also indicate a problem in the web server configuration.

shree0 commented 1 year ago

I am able to install it successfully in my local server and it's working fine in it.

I am facing this issue in the CPanel server. (with same server configuration)

webbird commented 1 year ago

As we do not have any CPanel Environment, I'm afraid we're not able to help fixing this. You may try to install BC manually on your Webserver instead of using CPanel.