BlackEdder / easyMesheD

Library to create a simple mesh network on Arduino/esp8266
MIT License
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sendBroadcast works? #2

Open tomtobback opened 6 years ago

tomtobback commented 6 years ago

Hi, i have installed easyMesheD on Ubuntu, and when i start the log executable I am receiving mesh messages from my 2 nodes (both running the painlessMesh startHere sketch). Now i would like to send a message from my laptop to the mesh, and i modified the log.d example to uncomment the mesh.sendBroadcast("bla"); line I compiled again with dub -c log -b release but when i run the new log executable, it does not seem to send the messages; i cannot see them appearing on my nodes in the Serial Monitor. I see they are receiving each other's messages, but not from my laptop. I'm completely new to D so i might be missing something simple, please advise. (sorry i first posted this on gitlab but it's probably better here)

BlackEdder commented 6 years ago

Sorry for the belated reply. I am afraid easymeshed is deprecated for painlessMeshListener. The main difference between the two is that painlessMeshListener works as a server (the mesh needs to connect to it using a bridge node), while easymeshed works only as a TCPclient. I am planning over the holiday to add the possibility to use painlessMeshListener as a TCPclient as well.