BlackHolePerturbationToolkit / FastEMRIWaveforms

Blazingly fast EMRI waveforms
GNU General Public License v3.0
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M2 and M3 installation issues. #96

Open joshbmat opened 1 month ago

joshbmat commented 1 month ago

We have problems installing the latest FEW master branch on both M2 and M3 machines.

We encounter two problems that seem to be distinct from the M1 installation issue #95 . The first one is easy work around. The second one is problematic.

The first problem is the few.version is not found (test 1):

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[5], line 8
      5 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
      6 import numpy as np
----> 8 from few.trajectory.inspiral import EMRIInspiral
      9 from few.amplitude.romannet import RomanAmplitude
     10 from few.amplitude.interp2dcubicspline import Interp2DAmplitude

File ~/FastEMRIWaveforms/few/
----> 1 from few._version import __version__

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'few._version'

We get around this by commenting out the only line in ''.

The second problem is pyInspiral not compiling (subsequent tests):

ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[6], line 8
      5 get_ipython().run_line_magic('matplotlib', 'inline')
      6 import numpy as np
----> 8 from few.trajectory.inspiral import EMRIInspiral
      9 from few.amplitude.romannet import RomanAmplitude
     10 from few.amplitude.interp2dcubicspline import Interp2DAmplitude

File ~/FastEMRIWaveforms/few/trajectory/
     25 from scipy.interpolate import CubicSpline
     27 # Cython/C++ imports
---> 28 from pyInspiral import pyInspiralGenerator
     30 # Python imports
     31 from few.utils.baseclasses import TrajectoryBase

ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyInspiral'

This was highlighted in issue #85 but the issue was seemingly assumed to be the same as issue #81 and was closed. We tried again using the older commit 0c52a1c tagged as resolving issue #81 and the commits either side but ran into the same problems. It's possible that issue #85 was never fixed by the subsequent commits?

wc1018 commented 1 month ago

I have the same problems too, on ubuntu 23.10.

JingZhaoQi commented 2 weeks ago

Me too

lennoxkeeble commented 2 weeks ago

I encountered both of these issues while installing the package on my personal computer (MacBook with Intel chip).

As mentioned in the comments in issue #94, I fixed the first issue as follows. After cloning the Github repo from the source, but before running 'bash', I moved the file into its parent folder (e.g., running 'mv ./scripts/ ./' while in the './FastEMRIWaveforms' directory), and then ran ''. After doing this, I could build the wheel successfully.

I then encountered the second issue about there being no 'pyInspiral' module when running the import statements in cell 1 the examples notebook in a new jupyter notebook saved in the './FastEMRIWaveforms' directory. However, I only got these errors when I did not launch the notebook inside the 'few_env' environment in the terminal. That is, I was able to fix the second error message by running 'jupyter notebook' inside the 'few_env' environment in the terminal, and then running the same code from the browser that is launched by that command.

Since I did not encounter these problems on an M-chip Mac, I'm not sure if the root cause of the error messages on my computer is the same for the OP, but I thought I'd mention how I fixed the same error messages just in case it helps.