This is not about the log reader having multiple threads, with the FrameScheduler replacing the old main log and each thread having its own log a ton of new information is being logged.
Currently the log has information about when each work unit starts and stops, what thread it ran in, what work depended on what, and anything that the workunits themselves logged. An intuitive and scale free (works at ms,un,ns and S levels) is important for this.
The will require most if not all of the UI system to complete.
This is not about the log reader having multiple threads, with the FrameScheduler replacing the old main log and each thread having its own log a ton of new information is being logged.
Currently the log has information about when each work unit starts and stops, what thread it ran in, what work depended on what, and anything that the workunits themselves logged. An intuitive and scale free (works at ms,un,ns and S levels) is important for this.
The will require most if not all of the UI system to complete.