BlackWinged / Okuninushi

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Potential performance improvement of Cloud API #1

Open CloudApiStudy opened 3 years ago

CloudApiStudy commented 3 years ago


I come from a research team which works on bugs in real-world applications.

I want to make a report about a potential performance improvement in your project.

In file Okunishushi/src/Okunishushi/Areas/Classroom/Controllers/API/DocumentAPIController.cs, both DetectLabels and DetectText APIs are applied to same input in a sequential way. However, cloud APIs do not compete local resources with each other. They could be called in parallel (with AnnotateImage API) to save around 50% execution time.

Perhaps someone might be able to confirm if these seem reasonable. Also, if you need any help, I'm happy to provide some code snippet for fixing.

If you are not offended by it, we may include your response as a percentage number (e.g. xx% of applications faces xx problem, and xx% of them confirms it) in our research paper.


BlackWinged commented 3 years ago


Thanks for reaching out. I can confirm that this is a performance problem and I am aware of it, as well as a few methods of fixing it (although I wasn't aware of the AnnotateImage API up until now).

This app was more of a proof of concept rather than a production ready project, so I never bothered fixing it, but I can confirm that this problem exists in the app as it is written right now.

I have no problems with you including my response in your research paper, in fact, I'd be quite happy if it helps in your research.

If you don't mind I'd be quite interested in reading your paper when it's published, so I'd be grateful if you could let me know where to look for it.

CloudApiStudy commented 3 years ago

Thanks so much for your reply! If the paper is accepted, I'll send you a link :D