BlackZork / mqmgateway

MQTT gateway for modbus networks
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Add TLS support for MQTT #60

Closed git-developer closed 1 month ago

git-developer commented 1 month ago

This PR adds basic TLS support for MQTT as requested in

Supported Features

The only supported feature is secure communication between application and broker. The application needs to know a trusted CA certificate for this. Users may choose between one of the following options:

  1. Add an empty option to trust all OS provided certificates (usually located in /etc/ssl/certs)
      client_id: mqm-tls
        host: broker
  2. Add the path to a CA file in option
      client_id: mqm-tls
        host: broker
          cafile: /usr/local/lib/ca-certificates/ca.crt

Try it

A demo project is attached where functionality can be tested. It boots a container for the application and a second container for mosquitto, listening via TLS on default port 8883. Certificates are part of the demo project. To try it:

  1. Unpack and enter the demo project: tar -xvzf mqm-tls.tar.gz && cd mqm-tls
  2. Build a local image that contains demo certificates: docker compose build
  3. Configure the modbus settings in config.yaml
  4. Start the containers: docker compose up -d
  5. Check that everything is up and running: docker compose logs
  6. Subscribe via TLS to the broker and receive messages: docker compose exec broker mosquitto_sub -v -L mqtts://broker/# --cafile /mosquitto/certs/ca.crt


git-developer commented 1 month ago

This PR is now ready for review. What I noticed so far:

BlackZork commented 1 month ago

Many thanks for this contribution!

One of my rules for unit tests is that I do not test dependent libraries. Mosquitto handles TLS, so we do not need test it here. I think it would be good to add at least one simple test that checks if mosquitto_tls_set is called and a default port is set correctly - for regression.

Looking at the code I realized that mosquitto api is not mocked, only IMqttImpl interface is. So you could just check if a MqttBrokerConfig has expected values in the MockedMqttImpl::connect(). I would add it in new mqtt_config_tests.cpp file just like config tests are done for modbus section in modbus_config_tests.cpp

I think that no read access to cafile or certificate will be a common configuration problem. I would add a read test for those files in MqttBrokerConfig constructor and throw ConfigurationException with a better message. You could add a second test for it in mqtt_config_tests.cpp - passing an non existing file path for example. I usually do not assert error message, only initOk() from mocked server. It is still helpful to see what message is generated from test in log file.

git-developer commented 1 month ago

Thanks for your feedback. I added checks and tests as suggested.