BlackbitDigitalCommerce / pimcore-data-director

Import Bundle for Pimcore
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No actual documentation. README #5

Closed betterapp closed 2 years ago

betterapp commented 2 years ago

I try to setup pipe line object import. I tried to use tutorial from youtube but it looks they are outdated.

I can not find in documentation what is it for: image

Second. My setup does not work. Products are not created under Categories. Where can I find actual documentation to setup it.

BlackbitDevs commented 2 years ago

The up-to-date documentation is available at, please search for "Dynamic import resource path / URL - parametrized imports and exports".

In short: With parameters you can fill placeholder variables in your import resource path and you can use parameters to change the logic in your callback functions by accessing $params['request']

Please write to if you need further support. Then we can set up this import pipeline together via screen-sharing.

betterapp commented 2 years ago

But this is payed help. Thats really great that youtube tutorial is not related with latest DD version, and setting up base on this tutorial does not work. You should update youtube tutorials.

betterapp commented 2 years ago


Sorry but I can not found any information about this in latest document.

betterapp commented 2 years ago


When I clik on "Import raw data to object" button and klick Yes on confirm alert it open new tab in the browser with url: /api/rest/export/DanielCategory?skipExtract=1&force=0

Why ? This should work like that ?

BlackbitDevs commented 2 years ago

Yes, support needs to be paid. Do you work for free? We always reacted within minutes to your questions - and never billed you anything. But now your questions are about the implementation for a concrete project. This support cannot be offered for free, sorry.

betterapp commented 2 years ago

Looks like my testing You product are free. OK. I will not report You any bugs because I do it by free. :P. This is not for project. I tried to play with your tutorial so everyone who will try to buy it should know that tutorials are not up to date.

Where in documentation I can find explain for DEPENDENT DATAPORT PARAMETERS ? This string does not exists.