BlackbitDigitalCommerce / pimcore-data-director

Import Bundle for Pimcore
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Error during Installation #91

Open BjBue opened 1 year ago

BjBue commented 1 year ago

Hello, It was hard to build an installable configuration with composer but finally i get it up and install. For this i have to uninstall the PimcoreDataImporterBundle because composere was unable to build a working bundle. The main problem was the flysystem-sftp package. I was unable to change it to the newer flysystem-sftp-v3 package because of the PimcoreDataImporterBundle.

The enabling of the bundle works too (bin/console pimcore:bundle:enable BlackbitDataDirectorBundle) But during the bin/console pimcore:bundle:install BlackbitDataDirectorBundle install command, the process stops with an very confusing error (sorry, it is confusing for me as a newbe in pimcore):

[error] Migration Blackbit\DataDirectorBundle\Migrations\Version20220823200131 failed during Execution. Error: "Definitions in /php/config/pimcore folder cannot be overwritten"

In ClassDefinition.php line 424:

  Definitions in /php/config/pimcore folder cannot be overwritten  

Currently i read and try to understand what exactly this migrationfile does. I am thankful for every help.

BlackbitDevs commented 1 year ago

This migration tries to add a preview generator for classes which do not have one. But obviously your class definition files are not allowed to be changed. I will add a try-catch-block for this case as this is not a necessary migration.

BlackbitDevs commented 1 year ago

Please try 3.3.10, there this migration will not fail if the class definition files are not writable.

BjBue commented 1 year ago

Hello and thank you very much for your help.

The hint with the class definitions was very good. Now i have an other error Fatal error: Class Pimcore\Model\DataObject\CustomerObject contains 2 abstract methods and must therefore be declared abstract or implement the remaining methods (CustomerManagementFrameworkBundle\Model\CustomerInterface::getActive, CustomerManagementFrameworkBundle\Model\CustomerInterface::setActive) in /php/var/classes/DataObject/CustomerObject.php on line 74

I try to solve this by myself and thank you very much for now. I am sure a have soon another question like this ;-)

For the completion: Unfortunately i have the datadirector as a zip-file and the only supported version is blackbit/data-director[3.3.1] How should i handle? Should i request a newer version? Or is there a magic trick to get it installed?

BlackbitDevs commented 1 year ago

In general all updates are included when you bought the bundle. The questions is how to get those updated versions - there are 2 ways:

  1. You write to send you the latest version. Then you will get it as zip file. Although it is not much work, it is some work and so we would have to bill 0,5h
  2. You get access to the plugin's Bitbucket repository. Then you can update the bundle yourself (either directly via Composer repository or you download the desired version's zip file on your own). The problem is that Bibucket wants some money for every user which we allow access to one of our private repositories. And this cost we would have to forward to you (10 EUR per month). If you are interested in this, please see

Concerning the other error: This is not related to Data Director. But anyway, obviously you use customer manbagement framework. The interface / base class which your CustomerObject class extends has the abstract methods getActive and setActive. So either you add a checkbox field active to your CustomerObject (this way getActive and setActive methods will get created by Pimcore) or you override your CustomerObject class and implement those methods on your own.