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Nudge: chapters 4, 5, & 6: July 14 #74

Closed tomdalling closed 4 years ago

tomdalling commented 4 years ago

Nudge: Improving Decisions About Health, Wealth, and Happiness by Richard H. Thaler, Cass R. Sunstein

Aiming to read:

Chapter 4: When Do We Need a Nudge? Chapter 5: Choice Architecture Chapter 6: Save More Tomorrow

MC: @tomdalling Notes: @HashNotAdam See you 12 pm Tuesday, July 14th @

Ping if you want a calendar invite and access to the low-volume Slack beforehand

HashNotAdam commented 4 years ago

Chapter 4: When do we need a nudge?

Fraught choices

Markets: a mixed verdict

Chapter 5: Choice architecture

Defaults: padding the path of least resistance

Expect error

Give feedback

Understanding "mappings": from choice to welfare

Structure complex choices


Chapter 6: save more tomorrow

Are people saving enough?

Enrollment decisions: nudging people to join

Making savings automatic

Forced choosing and more simplicity

Choosing contribution rates


Save More Tomorrow

The role of the government

tomdalling commented 4 years ago
