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How to be an Antiracist: chapters 6–8: September 8th #83

Closed lachlanhardy closed 4 years ago

lachlanhardy commented 4 years ago

How to be an Antiracist by Ibram X. Kendi

Aiming to read:

MC: @lachlanhardy Notes: @elle See you 12 pm Tuesday, September 8th @

Ping if you want a calendar invite and access to the low-volume Slack beforehand

elle commented 4 years ago

Re: What are we getting out of this book?

Focused on how you think about race. Makes us think about our inactions. Purpose of the book is not about teaching us to be an activist, but education and broadening perspectives.

Re: Policies

Re: Ebonics

6: Body

BODILY RACIST: One who is perceiving certain racialized bodies as more animal-like and violent than others.

BODILY ANTIRACIST: One who is humanizing, deracializing, and individualizing nonviolent and violent behavior.

Children at the age of 13 are not allows to drink or vote, but can be tried as adults. WTF?

Bad neighbourhoods are not a function of Black neighbourhoods, but low socio-economics neighbourhoods and if their residents get better jobs, all the problems with bad neighbourhoods go away. The problem is the policies that preserve those poor neighbourhoods.

7: Culture

Cultural appropriation, at times also phrased cultural misappropriation, is the adoption of an element or elements of one culture or identity by members of another culture or identity. This can be controversial when members of a dominant culture appropriate from disadvantaged minority cultures.

Are Adele actions an example of that? or is it inappropriate? What about indigenous artworks? Art is usually about freedom of expression.

Assimilationist have a cultural rank and that integrating a different racial group means it is not good enough and we have to raise them into the level of the higher racial group.

Cultural integration is the blending of two or more cultures. The culture may exchange their practices, beliefs, ideas and rituals. Integration is only possible when the cultures do not have to sacrifice the characteristics that make them unique.

Is this even possible?

8: Bahaviour

IQ tests are racist. That's a known fact.

The education system is built to quantify and standardise results in a way that make it easier to keep track of stats and numbers. It is not set up to accommodate different kids with different needs and different ways of learning.

Revisit chapter 8 next week