Blackstone-SS13 / BLACKSTONE

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[BUG] Can both look down a Z-level AND look in the distance #1221

Open iDanasaer opened 6 months ago

iDanasaer commented 6 months ago

Describe the bug

Usually you're only capable of either looking down a Z-level or looking into the distance, as both actions reset your view. So you shouldn't be capable of doing both. However, if your character's perception is low enough and you send the inputs quickly enough, you're capable of doing both.

This bug appears to only work if your character's perception <= 13. At 14 and higher it seems the action of looking down a Z-level is almost instantaneous and too quick for the bug to occur. It might be possible it could still happen, I'm not too sure as I might just be too slow to trigger it.

Round ID:

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Have a character with less than 14 perception, the lower the easier the timing, and so the easier to reproduce
  2. Stand by an edge so that you can look down a Z-level
  3. Look down a Z-level using Shift + Right Click
  4. Very quickly look into the distance on any other tile using Shift + Right Click
  5. You'll now find you're both looking down a Z-level AND looking into the distance

Additional context

Here's an example to show what someone could do.

I'm standing on a roof (Garrison in this case) Ontop Garrison

When I look down a Z-level, I should see this (punched out a window to show potential for abuse) Expected

However, with the bug I'm capable of seeing all of this. Inside Garrison or even into the Merchant's 2nd floor Merchant House

(honestly this could be a dope feature, but seems like unintended behavior considering you cant do the same with looking up a z-level and its more difficult to pull off the higher your perception is)

CVSthePharmacy commented 5 months ago

how the fuck do you look down