Blackstone-SS13 / BLACKSTONE

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Town Doctor Fix (SHOULD WORK NOW™) #1283

Closed WindowTalents closed 3 weeks ago

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

Hey everyone, glad to see such a big desire to play this role... I am hoping this works this time. Minor balance changes, adding them to pilgrim, giving them climbing 1 and such. You SHOULD view the files and see what I changed, because I think this failed several times because I have no clue what I am doing lol.

Mainly, cleaned up my 'notes' that could have been somehow causing issues and reorganized things to follow Stagrawl's overall setup for their new towners.

IF THIS DOES NOT WORK AGAIN - I am going to add them to female, so that we can AT LEAST SEE if the issue is the 'towner role list' being FULL and not being able to scroll or some stupid silly absolutely tiny thing that would be impossible to notice otherwise.

I do NOT want this to be a female role, I really REALLY want this to be male only... but if this fails again - fuck it, idk man lol. Only if Seamstress gets a male variant, do I want this to be actually for females too... I would like there to be GAMEPLAY FORCED diversity in roles between sexes waaaaaay more than we currently have lol. Just because I find that fun with the silly stats making the playable chars actually play different between those things.

About The Pull Request

Surely this time, the doctor will appear in the towner and pilgrim lists.

Why It's Good For The Game

The code, might, work - this time. (For Real.)

ophaq commented 3 weeks ago

Do they get the diagnose spell to cast for free or something? Or pray to Pestra for points? Really necessary to have as doctor.

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

Do they get the diagnose spell to cast for free or something? Or pray to Pestra for points? Really necessary to have as doctor.

Really? I mean, can't you just examine people? Isn't diagnose meant to be a special buff to Pestra and not common?

If the Court Doc does not get Diagnose, then this can't have it.

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah no, Court Doc don't get Diagnose - so random towner don't get it.

ONCE THIS FUCKING WORKS you can FREELY make a merge that adds that spell to the doctors if you can add some sorta "free cast" to it - I genuinely can't get this fucking SIMPLE code to work - anything else is beyond me lol.

ophaq commented 3 weeks ago

Yeah no, Court Doc don't get Diagnose - so random towner don't get it.

ONCE THIS FUCKING WORKS you can FREELY make a merge that adds that spell to the doctors if you can add some sorta "free cast" to it - I genuinely can't get this fucking SIMPLE code to work - anything else is beyond me lol.

I thought the court doctor had it by default? That's weird.

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

I thought the court doctor had it by default? That's weird.

No, they don't. Can you not diagnose like normal ss13 with grabs and stuff to check broken bones? If it is too hard to do doctoring without diagnose, then Court Doc needs it added too.

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

Dipshit moment, was trying to clean up. I am NOT a github wielder, clearly. I don't plan to edit anything else outside of... getting this to work.

Sorry for the crap lol

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

aight im not touching anything again holy shit github

oh god forbid i wanted to name it something other than patch-5 or clean it up for people LOL

BlueMemesauce commented 3 weeks ago

it doesnt work because you didnt include it. not because its not called" towndoctor" that doesnt matter lol

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

it doesnt work because you didnt include it. not because its not called" towndoctor" that doesnt matter lol

Include what lol - don't be obtuse, tell me how to fix this so people can use it lol.

I only did that rename because there's a from old files.

BlueMemesauce commented 3 weeks ago

idk its just a thing called "include" in the code idk how to explain it usually it does it automatically if youre using visual studio code otherwise you have to manually write #include somehwere in roguetown.dme i guess

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

idk its just a thing called "include" in the code idk how to explain it usually it does it automatically if youre using visual studio code otherwise you have to manually write #include somehwere in roguetown.dme i guess

wait holy shit thats totally it hold on

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

me when i have no idea what im doing, simply write a thing into the spot it should be in exactly like everything else is, and it don't work no more:

how do i use the hold breath until i die emote irl pls respond

(I actually genuinely have no idea what the fuck - like, is this seriously what happens whenever you add the tiniest thing to this game? Holy shit. I can't even get A COPY PASTED AND THEN NERFED ROLE to appear in a list which already fucking exists and has other new roles in it lol. Not to mention my idiot brain is fighting githubs weirdass logic at every step, so after finally getting to A LIST I DID NOT EVEN KNOW EXISTED it don't work now - great!)

GIMME A BIT IM TRYING LOL I literally will act like the biggest nimrod on earth in ooc just to get a laugh, but right now I actually feel like a moron and it fucking SUCKS lol. Sorry for scumming up your git with my incompetence lol.

WindowTalents commented 3 weeks ago

omg it worked lol