Blackstone-SS13 / BLACKSTONE

GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
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Changes how Churn Undead interacts with different kinds of vampire; Doubles templar faith limit, slight decrease to Churn faith cost #1383

Open DerFlammenwerfer opened 2 weeks ago

DerFlammenwerfer commented 2 weeks ago

About The Pull Request

As a companion to and because someone wanted to see Churn Undead actually work on vampires, I made a few changes.

Why It's Good For The Game

Templars and Paladins are specifically designed to put the undead to rest, but only being able to cast the miracle once during a prolonged fight doesn't feel good. Seeing as they do not benefit from higher miracles and that Churn has a 30 second cooldown, this seems like a fair change. Additionally, this fixes a bug where normal vampires aren't even checked for resistance, and makes it so Necra worshippers and paladins/templars are suited to taming the tide of vampire spawn and their death knight cohort, regardless of if the Vampire Lord is leading the assault; he may be totally immune, but his armies are not!