Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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Alarmo on v4.0 - non-responsive if sensors open #1088

Open robgough1970 opened 11 months ago

robgough1970 commented 11 months ago

Hi , not sure if this an issue or a feature request. when arming 'alarmo', if there are any sensors open, the nspanel does nothing when pressing the 'arm; button. rather than advising doors are open etc. It took me a while to figure out what was wrong. when doors are closed it works perfectly and is a great addition despite the 'quirk' not sure if this is by design or an issue with my install. cheers

edwardtfn commented 11 months ago

How you see that in Home Assistant? Can you share a screenshot?

Also, if you can look at Developer Tools > States and find the entity related to that, how are the state and the attributes when that situation happens?

robgough1970 commented 11 months ago

Screenshot 2023-09-25 035835 the state in HA remains as 'disarmed' there is no state change at this point. There is also a 3dot menu with the options in screenshot image

the open sensors are shown here :- image

I hope this helps

robgough1970 commented 11 months ago

is there any update with regards to this, in the future?

edwardtfn commented 11 months ago

I'm not gonna make any promises, buy I want to look at that soon. I couldn't find time in the past days, sorry. 😩

edwardtfn commented 10 months ago

@robgough1970, could you please go to Developer Tools, tab Templates, paste this and let me know the results?

{% set alarm_entity_id = "alarm_control_panel.alarmo" %}
Open sensors: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") }}
Count: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") | count if state_attr("alarm_control_panel.virtual_alarm_panel", "open_sensors") else 0 }}

It would be nice if you can repeat the process in a few different situations, like without any open sensor, or with some open sensors, or after arming bypassing the open sensors, etc.

BigBobbas commented 9 months ago

Hi, I think i raised this using my other git account - hence the different name :) . sorry for the delay getting back with the info. Setting arming the alarm with a door open i get the following

Open sensors: {'binary_sensor.patio_konnected': 'open'} Count: 0

When in all other states the result is Open sensors: None Count: 0

I've just spent some time testing and I am unable to arm or disarm from the nspanel at all. I couldn't have fully run through the whole process when initially testing. so it looks like the panel is receiving states from HA but not sending them, details below.

If I set it using HA the panel updates with the correct state changes both on the homescreen and in the alarm page.

Pressing the Arm 'away' or whatever variant. the button turns yellow and after a second it returns to the home screen and there is no change to the state on the panel (if i go back to alarm page the button is white) and there is no change in HA

I have also monitored the states from dev tools in HA and there is no change when arming or disarming.

if i press to disarm on the panel (when armed from HA) I get the number pad and can enter the number etc but this has no effect in HA and the alarm is still armed.

There is no urgency with this as I know you are very busy with many other things. It's a 'nice to have' but not life or death!! I can always set the alarm from my phone .

BigBobbas commented 9 months ago

something just came to mind, i bet i haven't allowed esp device to call HA services . i'll enable it and test

edwardtfn commented 9 months ago

When it is with some door opened, do you know how you shoo ukd call a service to arm it anyways?

edwardtfn commented 9 months ago

Another question, about the "Open sensors" attribute... When is that updated? Only when you try to arm or every time the sensor states changes?

edwardtfn commented 9 months ago

And could you please run this new one (I've fixed the counter) but now with more than one sensor opened?

{% set alarm_entity_id = "alarm_control_panel.alarmo" %}
Open sensors: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") }}
Count: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") | count if state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") else 0 }}
BigBobbas commented 9 months ago

i will do some more testing now and report back and try with new template

BigBobbas commented 9 months ago

i have just tested to try and arm with a door open and i get the following

Open sensors: {'binary_sensor.garage_door_konnected': 'open'} Count: 1

tried again with door closed and i get the following

Open sensors: None Count: 0

and the alarm arms as expected.

and I can disarm as expected.

since allowing the panel to make service calls it is arming and disarming.

But when trying to arm (with a sensor active) pressing the 'arm away' or any other, results in the button going yellow and then straight back to white. I can live with this , as I now know that it must mean that a sensor is open.

It would be great if the button perhaps turned red or text changed to say sensors open. just so it is clear why it hasn't responded for other members of the house. thanks for your help with this

BigBobbas commented 9 months ago

Another question, about the "Open sensors" attribute... When is that updated? Only when you try to arm or every time the sensor states changes?

i'll test this now.... it is only when trying to arm

Kaibob2 commented 1 month ago

I'm facing the same issue as @BigBobbas. Do you see any option to implement a monitoring for "open sensors"? When i execute

{% set alarm_entity_id = "alarm_control_panel.alarmo" %}
Open sensors: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") }}
Count: {{ state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") | count if state_attr(alarm_entity_id, "open_sensors") else 0 }}

I get

Open sensors: {'binary_sensor.ble_motion_bewegungsmelder_flur': 'open', 'binary_sensor.ble_motion_bewegungsmelder_wz': 'open'}
Count: 2

for two open sensors and

Open sensors: {'binary_sensor.ble_motion_bewegungsmelder_flur': 'open'}
Count: 1

for one open sensor. Wouldn't it be possible to have at least the Count value on the alarm page? Maybe like Arming failed! {Count} open sensors.

Kaibob2 commented 1 month ago

This is the attributes list from alarmo when all arming states are enabled:

code_format: null
changed_by: null
code_arm_required: false
arm_mode: null
next_state: disarmed
binary_sensor.ble_motion_bewegungsmelder_flur: open
binary_sensor.ble_motion_bewegungsmelder_wz: open

bypassed_sensors: null
delay: null
friendly_name: Alarmo
supported_features: 63

and this is the attributes list from the manual alarm integration by HA:

code_format: number
changed_by: null
code_arm_required: false
friendly_name: Alarmsteuerung
supported_features: 63

Maybe you can do some kind of detection if the default alarm integration or alarmo is used as the default alarm integration doesn't support open sensors.