Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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Initializing - display startet nicht korrekt #1468

Open oekomat opened 6 months ago

oekomat commented 6 months ago

ich versuche jetzt seit 2 Tagen 2 NSPANELS in HA in Betreib zu nehmen. Eins läuft, das andere bekomme ich nicht hin. Was habe ich gemacht.

Ergebnis: Es steht der Startbildschirm da, TFT: 4.1.4, ESHOME, Blueprint Retry:

Ich gehe davon aus, dass esphome nicht richtig geladen wird. Was kann ich noch tun?

Mein Devicename besteht nur aus kleinen Buchstaben, meine Wlan Daten sind definitv korrekt, ich flashe auch die korrekte Datei, lokal aus meinem www Ordner.

Der-Sven commented 6 months ago


  1. funktioniert auf dem Display das Feld Reboot?
  2. Kommst Du aus ESP home wireless auf das panel? Also "Logs" anzeigen?

Bei Dir wird keine ESPhome-Version angezeigt. Flashe das Panel nochmals und nutze bitte die Englische Anleitung Die Deutsche scheint noch nicht auf die letzte Version aktualisiert zu sein.

Grüße, Sven

oekomat commented 6 months ago

Hi Sven,

Der Reboot Button im Gerät reagiert nicht. Ich komme auch nicht auf das Panel zwecks logs ansehen. In welchem "Status" muss das Display sein, wenn ich mit der Anleitung starte? Reicht tasmota32_nspanel.bin geflasht mit Modul auf (0) und einer erstellten

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Do you have any error message in your ESPHome logs?

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Ok, just saw in your other response that your don't have access to the logs. So, I that case I would suggest you flash your device again, and probably will require you to do via serial. 😩

oekomat commented 6 months ago

Via serial is not so simple, because the HA is on a VM in unraid. It is not so simple to loop through the USb serial adapter to my server. I will try out the english direction, but what are the previous tasks with the nspanel. Can i flash the panel first with tasmota21_nspanel.bin? and further?

Der-Sven commented 6 months ago

Ich habe es "damals" so hinbekommen:

Wobei Du ja das TFT schon geflashed bekommen hast

Möglichkeit: an irgendeinem PC mit einem ESP-Home Image flashen, z.B. hiermit: Dann diesen ESP Home in HA einbinden. Und dort mit der Panel-FW wie in der Anleitung neu flashen.

Evtl. kannst Du auch über die esphome Webseite den Code vom NSPanel draufladen. Ich habe leider keinen ESP zur Hand, sonst hätte ich es fix ausprobiert.

VG Sven

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Via serial is not so simple, because the HA is on a VM in unraid. It is not so simple to loop through the USb serial adapter to my server. I will try out the english direction, but what are the previous tasks with the nspanel. Can i flash the panel first with tasmota21_nspanel.bin? and further?

When compiling, you have an option to download to your computer, then you can flash it from your computer using the Web flasher. image

oekomat commented 6 months ago

@edwardtfn flashing is not the big problem @Der-Sven bin jetzt so vorgegangen:


###### CHANGE ME START ######

  device_name: "schlafzimmerpanel" 
  wifi_ssid: "meinwlan"
  wifi_password: "meinpasswort"

  nextion_update_url: "" # URL to local tft File
//  nextion_update_url: "" # URL to Github

##### CHANGE ME END #####


  ##### download esphome code from Github
    ref: main
    files: [nspanel_esphome.yaml]
    refresh: 1s

    type: esp-idf


Nach Start des Panels wird mir unverändert Initializing...angezeigt (ohne ESPHome oder Blueprint version). Er hat quasi das blank gar nicht genommen, sonst hätte ich einen QR Code erwartet.

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Can you have access to ESPHome logs? If so, please share it here.

oekomat commented 6 months ago

Hi, this is the log from my schlafzimmerpanel after flashing with the conditions upstairs:

INFO ESPHome 2023.12.5 INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/schlafzimmerpanel.yaml... INFO Updating INFO Detected timezone 'Europe/Berlin' INFO Starting log output from using esphome API INFO Successfully connected to schlafzimmerpanel @ in 0.122s INFO Successful handshake with schlafzimmerpanel @ in 0.030s [11:28:26][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2023.12.5 compiled on Dec 27 2023, 08:42:26

[11:28:26][C][wifi:405]: Local MAC: [redacted] [11:28:26][C][wifi:410]: SSID: [redacted] [11:28:26][C][wifi:411]: IP Address: [11:28:26][C][wifi:413]: BSSID: [redacted]

[11:28:26][C][wifi:416]: Signal strength: -63 dB ▂▄▆█ [11:28:26][C][wifi:420]: Channel: 1 [11:28:26][C][wifi:421]: Subnet: [11:28:26][C][wifi:422]: Gateway: [11:28:26][C][wifi:423]: DNS1: [11:28:26][C][wifi:424]: DNS2:

[11:28:26][C][logger:444]: Level: DEBUG [11:28:26][C][logger:445]: Log Baud Rate: 0 [11:28:26][C][logger:447]: Hardware UART: UART0 [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:139]: UART Bus 0: [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:140]: TX Pin: GPIO16 [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:141]: RX Pin: GPIO17 [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:143]: RX Buffer Size: 256 [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:145]: Baud Rate: 115200 baud [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:146]: Data Bits: 8 [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:147]: Parity: NONE [11:28:26][C][uart.idf:148]: Stop bits: 1 [11:28:26][C][ledc.output:164]: LEDC Output: [11:28:26][C][ledc.output:165]: Pin GPIO21 [11:28:26][C][ledc.output:166]: LEDC Channel: 0 [11:28:26][C][ledc.output:167]: PWM Frequency: 1000.0 Hz [11:28:26][C][ledc.output:168]: Bit depth: 16 [11:28:26][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Template Binary Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display' [11:28:26][C][template.binary_sensor:028]: Device Class: 'connectivity' [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Display Brightness' [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Display Brightness Dimdown' [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '%' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature Correction' [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Timeout Page'

[11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Timeout Dimming'

[11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'schlafzimmerpanel Timeout Sleep'

[11:28:26][C][template.number:050]: Unit of Measurement: 's' [11:28:26][C][template.number:051]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][template.number:052]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][]: Template Select 'schlafzimmerpanel Wake-up page'

[11:28:26][C][]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:26][C][]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:26][C][]: Initial Option: home [11:28:26][C][]: Restore Value: YES [11:28:26][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Detailed Entity'

[11:28:26][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Notification Label' [11:28:26][C][template.text_sensor:020]: Template Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Notification Text' [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Relay 1' [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO22 [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Relay 2' [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF [11:28:26][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO19 [11:28:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Left Button' [11:28:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO14 [11:28:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Right Button' [11:28:27][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]: Pin: GPIO27 [11:28:27][C][switch.gpio:068]: GPIO Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display - Power' [11:28:27][C][switch.gpio:091]: Restore Mode: always ON [11:28:27][C][switch.gpio:031]: Pin: GPIO4 [11:28:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Notification sound' [11:28:27][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF [11:28:27][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Relay 1 Local' [11:28:27][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF [11:28:27][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Relay 2 Local' [11:28:27][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF [11:28:27][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES [11:28:27][C][template.switch:068]: Template Switch 'schlafzimmerpanel Notification unread' [11:28:27][C][template.switch:091]: Restore Mode: always OFF [11:28:27][C][template.switch:057]: Optimistic: YES

[11:28:27][C][nextion:129]: Device Model:
[11:28:27][C][nextion:130]: Firmware Version: [11:28:27][C][nextion:131]: Serial Number:
[11:28:27][C][nextion:132]: Flash Size:
[11:28:27][C][nextion:133]: Wake On Touch: YES [11:28:27][C][nextion:134]: Exit reparse: NO [11:28:27][C][nextion:145]: Start Up Page: 8 [11:28:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:27][C][restart.button:017]: Restart Button 'schlafzimmerpanel Restart' [11:28:27][C][adc:097]: ADC Sensor 'ntc_source' [11:28:27][C][adc:097]: Device Class: 'voltage' [11:28:27][C][adc:097]: State Class: 'measurement' [11:28:27][C][adc:097]: Unit of Measurement: 'V' [11:28:27][C][adc:097]: Accuracy Decimals: 2 [11:28:27][C][adc:107]: Pin: GPIO38 [11:28:27][C][adc:122]: Attenuation: 11db [11:28:27][C][adc:142]: Update Interval: 60.0s [11:28:27][C][resistance:010]: Resistance Sensor 'resistance_sensor' [11:28:27][C][resistance:010]: State Class: 'measurement' [11:28:27][C][resistance:010]: Unit of Measurement: 'Ω' [11:28:27][C][resistance:010]: Accuracy Decimals: 1

[11:28:27][C][resistance:011]: Configuration: DOWNSTREAM [11:28:27][C][resistance:012]: Resistor: 11200.00Ω [11:28:27][C][resistance:013]: Reference Voltage: 3.3V [11:28:27][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature' [11:28:27][C][ntc:014]: Device Class: 'temperature' [11:28:27][C][ntc:014]: State Class: 'measurement' [11:28:27][C][ntc:014]: Unit of Measurement: '°C' [11:28:27][C][ntc:014]: Accuracy Decimals: 1 [11:28:27][C][homeassistant.time:010]: Home Assistant Time:

[11:28:27][C][status:034]: Status Binary Sensor 'schlafzimmerpanel Status' [11:28:27][C][status:034]: Device Class: 'connectivity' [11:28:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected!

[11:28:27][C][mdns:116]: Hostname: schlafzimmerpanel [11:28:27][C][ota:097]: Over-The-Air Updates: [11:28:27][C][ota:098]: Address: schlafzimmerpanel.local:3232 [11:28:27][C][ota:101]: Using Password. [11:28:27][C][api:139]: API Server: [11:28:27][C][api:140]: Address: schlafzimmerpanel.local:6053 [11:28:27][C][api:144]: Using noise encryption: NO [11:28:27][C][http_request:013]: HTTP Request: [11:28:27][C][http_request:014]: Timeout: 5000ms [11:28:27][C][http_request:015]: User-Agent: ESPHome [11:28:27][C][http_request:016]: Follow Redirects: 1 [11:28:27][C][http_request:017]: Redirect limit: 3 [11:28:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:40][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:41][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:41][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:42][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:42][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:43][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:43][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:45][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.68700 V with 2 decimals of accuracy [11:28:45][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11713.8Ω [11:28:45][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11713.82617 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:28:45][D][ntc:026]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature' - Temperature: 21.5°C [11:28:45][D][sensor:094]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature': Sending state 21.48210 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:28:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:46][D][main:2591]: Exit reparse [11:28:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:59][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:28:59][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:06][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status: [11:29:06][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False [11:29:06][E][on_boot:059]: No response from Nextion display [11:29:06][D][on_boot:060]: Turn off Nextion [11:29:06][D][switch:016]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display - Power' Turning OFF. [11:29:06][D][switch:055]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state OFF [11:29:06][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 2 seconds [11:29:08][D][on_boot:063]: Turn on Nextion [11:29:08][D][switch:012]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display - Power' Turning ON. [11:29:08][D][switch:055]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Nextion display - Power': Sending state ON [11:29:08][D][on_boot:046]: Wait 5 seconds [11:29:13][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status: [11:29:13][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False [11:29:13][W][component:214]: Component esphome.coroutine took a long time for an operation (7.02 s). [11:29:13][W][component:215]: Components should block for at most 20-30ms. [11:29:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:13][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:14][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:15][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:16][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:17][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:18][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:19][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:19][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:20][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:20][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:21][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:21][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:22][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:22][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:23][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:24][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:25][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:26][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:27][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:28][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:29][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:30][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:31][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:32][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:33][D][script.nextion_status:2682]: Nextion status: [11:29:33][D][script.nextion_status:2684]: Is setup: False [11:29:33][E][on_boot:076]: No response from Nextion display

[11:29:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:33][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:34][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:35][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:36][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:37][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:38][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:39][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:40][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:40][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:41][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:41][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:42][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:42][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:43][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:43][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:45][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.70400 V with 2 decimals of accuracy [11:29:45][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 11957.9Ω [11:29:45][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 11957.89453 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:29:45][D][ntc:026]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature' - Temperature: 21.0°C [11:29:45][D][sensor:094]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature': Sending state 21.02960 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:29:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:29:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! 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[11:30:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:44][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:45][D][sensor:094]: 'ntc_source': Sending state 1.70900 V with 2 decimals of accuracy [11:30:45][D][resistance:039]: 'resistance_sensor' - Resistance 12030.7Ω [11:30:45][D][sensor:094]: 'resistance_sensor': Sending state 12030.67285 Ω with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:30:45][D][ntc:026]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature' - Temperature: 20.9°C [11:30:45][D][sensor:094]: 'schlafzimmerpanel Temperature': Sending state 20.89672 °C with 1 decimals of accuracy [11:30:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:45][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:46][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:47][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:48][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:49][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:50][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:51][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:52][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:53][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:54][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:55][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:56][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:57][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:58][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:30:59][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:00][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:01][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:02][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:03][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:04][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:05][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:06][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:07][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:08][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:08][I][ota:117]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter. [11:31:08][D][esp32.preferences:114]: Saving 1 preferences to flash... [11:31:08][D][esp32.preferences:143]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed [11:31:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:09][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:10][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected! [11:31:11][W][nextion:081]: Nextion is not connected!

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Logs are showing your ESPHome cannot communicate to Nextion (the display used by ESPHome).

On your panel's screen, you should have the baud rate (in bps) shown at the top right. Which value is there?

oekomat commented 6 months ago

Hi @edwardtfn , the rate is 115200bps and after ca. 1min 921600, then IT changed between this two rates.


edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Any chance you have the ribbon cable between the display and the main board not connected firmly? Or some short circuit in the board?

oekomat commented 6 months ago

This is not actually an option, but that would also explain why I can no longer flash the display with the nextioneditor. so can I throw it away?

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

so can I throw it away?

No!!! Let's investigate it more...

that would also explain why I can no longer flash the display with the nextioneditor

What happens when you try using the Nextion Editor?

oekomat commented 6 months ago

I have no Connection with the editor. It has a timeout Like the Display is not connected.

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

On the editor the wiring is a bit different, are you aware of that? I mean, with the editor you have to connect Tx to Tx and RX to Rx and in those specific pins for the display comms.

oekomat commented 6 months ago

Yes. I know. I have flash direct on Panel with nextioneditor on a other Panel successful. Tx to tx and RX to RX is right for me.

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

Ok, then it really looks like a hardware fault. Please review the ribbon cable. Your panel will be able to show that page if it have power but no data, as it have a processor and that is all on the displays memory, so a faulty cable will have exactly the symptoms you are describing.

Daniel167 commented 6 months ago

I have the Same issue. My screen hang on Boot Screen. Have you Info what can i do? I flashed with the blank.tft and then with the eu.tft but the screen is the same. 🤕 In the Home Assistant dashboard i can See data. image IMG_1034

Daniel167 commented 6 months ago

image image

edwardtfn commented 6 months ago

This is not the same issue, as in your case the ESPHome version is shown, indicating the communication between ESPHome and Nextion Display is working. Let's take this in another issue... 😉

edwardtfn commented 4 months ago

Hey @oekomat, are you still facing this issue or should we close this thread?