Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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Utility and climate panels not accessible #2073

Closed proasnet closed 3 weeks ago

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

TFT Version


ESPHome Version


Blueprint Version


Panel Model


What is the bug?

With the new sonnoff reflashed panel, is not accessible Climate and Utility panels.

Steps to Reproduce


Your Panel's YAML

alias: NSPanel Obývák 1NP
description: ""
  path: Blackymas/nspanel_blueprint.yaml
    nspanel_name: 512f12124a318e676451a62328293181
    language: cs
    timezone: Europe/Prague (CET-1CEST,M3.5.0,M10.5.0/3)
    weather_entity: weather.domov
    outdoortemp: sensor.bsb_lan_outside_temperature
    indoortemp: sensor.nspanel_obyvak_1np_temperature
    home_custom_button01_icon: ""
    home_custom_button02_icon: ""
    home_custom_button03_icon: ""
    home_custom_button04_icon: ""
      - "2"
      - "61440"
      - "3932160"
      - "65536"
      - "131072"
      - "512"
      - "256"
      - "134217728"
      - "124"
      - "8388608"
      - "128"
      - "2048"
      - "4194304"
      - "1024"
      - "67108864"
      - "16777216"
      - "33554432"
    hw_button_bar_left_always_show: true
    left_button_entity: light.rgbcw_obyvak_1np
    left_button_name: ZAP/VYP
    left_button_hold_select: Default
      - 0
      - 128
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
    climate: climate.termostat_obyvak_1np_termostat
    climate_button08: switch.termostat_obyvak_1np_vypinac
    climate_button08_icon: mdi:thermometer-chevron-up
      - 255
      - 0
      - 0
    left_button_hold_custom_action: []
    right_button_name: 1 MIN
    right_button_hold_select: Default
    right_button_hold_custom_action: []
    right_button_state_entity: light.rgbcw_obyvak_1np
      - 0
      - 255
      - 255
    left_button_state_entity: light.rgbcw_obyvak_1np
      - 0
      - 255
      - 255
    home_value01: binary_sensor.input_0
      - 0
      - 0
      - 255
    home_value01_icon: mdi:minus-circle-multiple-outline
    home_value02: binary_sensor.inverter_1_battery_mode
      - 0
      - 255
      - 0
    home_value02_icon: mdi:battery-50
    button_pages_icon_size: "10"
    button_page01_label: Scény
    entity01: scene.obyvak_1np_bila
    entity01_name: Bila
      - 255
      - 255
      - 255
    entity02: scene.obyvak_1np_sky
    entity02_name: More
    entity03: scene.obyvak_1np_ruzova
    entity03_name: Ruzova
      - 207
      - 139
      - 196
    entity04: scene.obyvak_1np_cervena
    entity04_name: Cervena
      - 255
      - 0
      - 0
    entity05: scene.obyvak_1np_zelena
    entity05_name: Zelena
    entity05_icon: ""
      - 0
      - 255
      - 0
    entity06: scene.obyvak_1np_modra
    entity06_name: Modra
      - 0
      - 0
      - 255
    chip01: binary_sensor.input_0
    utilities_page01_label: Distribuce energie
    utilities_page01_grid_value1: sensor.sum_line_energy
    utilities_page01_group01_value1: sensor.co2_intensity
    utilities_page01_group01_value2: sensor.grid_fossil_fuel_percentage
    utilities_page01_group03_label: PV Energy
    utilities_page01_group03_value1: sensor.sum_pv_energy
    utilities_page01_group01_label: Line Energy
    utilities_page01_group04_label: Battery Energy
    utilities_page01_group04_value1: sensor.bms_charging_energy
    utilities_page01_group04_value2: sensor.bms_discharging_energy
    utilities_page01_group05_label: Spotřeba plynu
    utilities_page01_group05_value1: sensor.gas_used
    utilities_page01_group06_label: Spotřeba vody
    utilities_page01_group06_icon: mdi:water
    utilities_page01_group05_icon: mdi:fire
    utilities_page01_group06_value1: sensor.water_used
      - 0
      - 0
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
      - 0
      - 255
      - 128
      - 128
      - 255
      - 128
      - 0
      - 0
      - 255
      - 0
      - 0
      - 128
      - 255
    utilities_page01_group04_line_reference: sensor.bms_charging_current
    utilities_page01_group03_line_reference: sensor.sum_pv_current
    climate_chip_always_visible: true

ESPHome Logs

No response

Home Assistant Logs

No response

MichaelHeimann commented 3 weeks ago

You posted the yaml of the blueprint. (which is missing utilities_enabled: true or this switch enabled here via UI: image

Can you post the esphome yaml where you added the climate addon?

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for reply. Utility I had disabled, now are accessible. Climate not, I attaching a yaml of ESP here.

  # Settings - Editable values
  name: nspanel-obyvak-1np
  friendly_name: NSPanel Obývák 1NP
  wifi_ssid: !secret wifi_ssid_1
  wifi_password: !secret wifi_password
  nextion_update_url: "http://homeassistant.local:8123/local/nspanel_eu.tft"  # Optional
  # Add-on configuration (if needed)
  # heater_relay: "1"  # Possible values: "1" or "2"

# Customization area
##### My customization - Start #####
##### My customization - End #####

# Core and optional configurations
    ref: main
    refresh: 300s
      - nspanel_esphome.yaml # Basic package
      # Optional advanced and add-on configurations
      - esphome/nspanel_esphome_advanced.yaml
      # - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_cool.yaml
      - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml
      # - nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_dual.yaml
MichaelHeimann commented 3 weeks ago

# heater_relay: "1" # Possible values: "1" or "2"

This is commented out, but according to docs is a mandatory parameter to be set for the climate addon to work.

edwardtfn commented 3 weeks ago

That's correct. One of the relays must be assigned to the climate.

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

So it is not possible to use the Climate panel to control the Zigbee thermostatic head? There, no relay or temperature sensor is needed, the head controls everything by itself. Can it just work as a custom thermostat with an internal sensor and relay? If so, it would be very useful if the climate panel could be used for any external thermostat.

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

As add remote on NSPanel of this panel in HA (This is panel for zigbee head) obrazek

MichaelHeimann commented 3 weeks ago

Sure, you can do that. E.g. just assign a custom button to the thermostat entity from HA.

The climate addon enables the use of your panel's relays to act as a thermostat (either cooler or heater) using the internal temperature sensor and independent of the network availability.

If you don't want to use the internal relay or sensor and just want to control a otherwise remote thermostat, you don't need the "nspanel_esphome_addon_climate_heat.yaml"

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

I'm starting to get it now. But it's still not clear to me how I can enter the desired temperature with an analog slider and the heating mode for the head via NSPanel

MichaelHeimann commented 3 weeks ago

I've just for a test assigned a custom button to a zigbee thermostat and I can control it like this:

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you. I try this today. To custom button, I will define entity of the thermostat? Or link to cliimate page? And, is needed climate addon for this or not?

edwardtfn commented 3 weeks ago

To custom button, I will define entity of the thermostat? Or link to cliimate page?

Just assign the climate entity related to your thermostat to a button and the system will take care.

And, is needed climate addon for this or not?

The add on climate is necessary only when you are using your panel's physical relays to control a heater or a cooler. If you are controlling a Home Assistant entity which is not physically connected to your panel, you don't need the add-on.

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you very much.

proasnet commented 3 weeks ago

Working as you describe @edwardtfn Thank you again.