Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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`Bug` Unknown services found - fan #2114

Closed Ulrar closed 1 week ago

Ulrar commented 1 month ago

TFT Version


ESPHome Version


Blueprint Version


Panel Model


What is the bug?


I have spook running in my HA, and in the latest update this started appearing :

Spook has found a ghost in your automations 👻

While floating around, Spook crossed path with the following automation:

<link to the automations using this blueprint>

This automation references the following services, which are unknown to Home Assistant:


To fix this error, [edit the automation](...) and remove the use of these non-existing services.

Spook 👻 Your homie.

It's not causing any issues or anything of course, I don't use any fans with my nspanel, but it comes up as a warning so wanted to raise it back here in case this needs to be addressed somehow. Apologies if there's already an issue on this, I didn't see one.

Steps to Reproduce

No response

Your Panel's YAML

No response

ESPHome Logs

No response

Home Assistant Logs

No response

edwardtfn commented 3 weeks ago

This is not really an error. The blueprint is prepared to call those services when your panel request it. If you don't have any fan, the services won't exists, but the panel won't call those services, so it shouldn't be an issue.

edwardtfn commented 1 week ago

This was solved in dev and will be included with the next release.