Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
1.43k stars 259 forks source link

TFT Update fails - Model does not match #332

Closed andersop91 closed 1 year ago

andersop91 commented 1 year ago

Situation: Having problem with TFT-uploading, where unit just appearantly reboots, with no other changes made. I've troubleshooted i bit, trying both local and external tft-urls, but with no luck. Pushing the TFT manually, results in an error code on screen, as seen on picture below. 20230212_202022

My configuration is listed below, in addition to esp config, install log and tft-update log.

Unit: NSPanel-EUW Device Model: NX4832F035_011C


###### CHANGE ME START ######

  device_name: "nswhite" 
  wifi_ssid: "CENCORED"
  wifi_password: "CENCORED"

  nextion_update_url: "" # URL to local tft File
#  nextion_update_url: "" # URL to Github

##### CHANGE ME END #####

  ##### download esphome code from Github
    ref: main
    files: [nspanel_esphome.yaml]
    refresh: 300s


Install log:

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/nswhite.yaml...
INFO Updating
WARNING GPIO4 is a Strapping PIN and should be avoided.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
INFO Generating C++ source...
INFO Compiling app...
Processing nswhite (board: esp32dev; framework: arduino; platform: platformio/espressif32 @ 5.2.0)
HARDWARE: ESP32 240MHz, 320KB RAM, 4MB Flash
 - toolchain-xtensa-esp32 @ 8.4.0+2021r2-patch3
LDF: Library Dependency Finder ->
Dependency Graph
|-- AsyncTCP-esphome @ 1.2.2
|-- WiFi @ 2.0.0
|-- FS @ 2.0.0
|-- Update @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome @ 2.1.0
|   |-- AsyncTCP-esphome @ 1.2.2
|-- DNSServer @ 2.0.0
|-- ESPmDNS @ 2.0.0
|-- ArduinoJson @ 6.18.5
|-- WiFiClientSecure @ 2.0.0
|-- HTTPClient @ 2.0.0
Compiling /data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/src/main.cpp.o
Linking /data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware.elf
RAM:   [=         ]  13.4% (used 43944 bytes from 327680 bytes)
Flash: [======    ]  62.4% (used 1144361 bytes from 1835008 bytes)
Building /data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware.bin
Creating esp32 image...
Successfully created esp32 image.
esp32_create_combined_bin(["/data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware.bin"], ["/data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware.elf"])
Wrote 0x128cb0 bytes to file /data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware-factory.bin, ready to flash to offset 0x0
========================= [SUCCESS] Took 15.25 seconds =========================
INFO Successfully compiled program.
INFO Resolving IP address of nswhite.local
INFO  ->
INFO Uploading /data/nswhite/.pioenvs/nswhite/firmware.bin (1150128 bytes)
Uploading: [============================================================] 100% Done...

INFO Waiting for result...
INFO OTA successful
INFO Successfully uploaded program.
INFO Starting log output from nswhite.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to nswhite.local
[20:16:05][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2022.12.8 compiled on Feb 12 2023, 20:13:58
[20:16:05][C][wifi:504]: WiFi:
[20:16:05][C][wifi:362]:   Local MAC: C0:49:EF:FA:6D:74
[20:16:05][C][wifi:363]:   SSID: [redacted]
[20:16:05][C][wifi:364]:   IP Address:
[20:16:05][C][wifi:366]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[20:16:05][C][wifi:367]:   Hostname: 'nswhite'
[20:16:05][C][wifi:369]:   Signal strength: -54 dB ▂▄▆█
[20:16:05][C][wifi:373]:   Channel: 1
[20:16:05][C][wifi:374]:   Subnet:
[20:16:05][C][wifi:375]:   Gateway:
[20:16:05][C][wifi:376]:   DNS1:
[20:16:05][C][wifi:377]:   DNS2:
[20:16:05][C][logger:293]: Logger:
[20:16:05][C][logger:294]:   Level: DEBUG
[20:16:05][C][logger:295]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[20:16:05][C][logger:296]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:108]: UART Bus 1:
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:109]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:110]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:112]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:114]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:115]:   Data Bits: 8
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:116]:   Parity: NONE
[20:16:05][C][uart.arduino_esp32:117]:   Stop bits: 1
[20:16:05][C][ledc.output:118]: LEDC Output:
[20:16:05][C][ledc.output:119]:   Pin GPIO21
[20:16:05][C][ledc.output:120]:   LEDC Channel: 0
[20:16:05][C][ledc.output:121]:   Frequency: 1000.0 Hz
[20:16:05][C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Template Binary Sensor 'nswhite Left Button'
[20:16:05][C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Template Binary Sensor 'nswhite Right Button'
[20:16:05][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'nswhite uptime'
[20:16:05][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Device Class: 'duration'
[20:16:05][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[20:16:05][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[20:16:05][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Accuracy Decimals: 0
[20:16:06][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Icon: 'mdi:timer-outline'
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Update TFT display'
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: NO
[20:16:06][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: NO
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Relay 1'
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO22
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Relay 2'
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO19
[20:16:06][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Screen Power'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Display Brightness'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Display Brightness Dimdown'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '%'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Temperature Correction'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Page Timeout'
[20:16:06][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:16:06][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[20:16:06][C][resistance:010]: Resistance Sensor 'resistance_sensor'
[20:16:06][C][nextion:125]:   Firmware Version: 69
[20:16:07][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'nswhite Temperature'
[20:16:07][C][ntc:014]:   Device Class: 'temperature'
[20:16:07][C][ntc:014]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[20:16:07][C][ntc:014]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[20:16:07][C][ntc:014]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[20:16:07][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[20:16:07][C][web_server:125]: Web Server:
[20:16:07][C][web_server:126]:   Address: nswhite.local:80
[20:16:07][C][mdns:103]: mDNS:
[20:16:07][C][mdns:104]:   Hostname: nswhite
[20:16:07][C][ota:093]: Over-The-Air Updates:
[20:16:07][C][ota:094]:   Address: nswhite.local:3232
[20:16:07][C][ota:097]:   Using Password.
[20:16:07][C][api:138]: API Server:
[20:16:07][C][api:139]:   Address: nswhite.local:6053
[20:16:07][C][wifi_info:012]: WifiInfo BSSID 'nswhite BSSID'
[20:16:13][D][api:102]: Accepted ::FFFF:
[20:16:13][D][api.connection:918]: Home Assistant 2023.2.3 (::FFFF: Connected successfully
[20:16:14][D][api:102]: Accepted ::FFFF:
[20:16:14][D][api.connection:918]: Home Assistant 2023.2.3 (::FFFF: Connected successfully
[20:16:16][D][switch:017]: 'nswhite Relay 1 Local Fallback' Turning OFF.
[20:16:16][D][switch:017]: 'nswhite Relay 2 Local Fallback' Turning OFF.
[20:16:16][D][text_sensor:067]: 'nswhite Notification Label': Sending state ''
[20:16:16][D][text_sensor:067]: 'nswhite Notification Text': Sending state ''
[20:16:16][D][switch:017]: 'nswhite Notification unread' Turning OFF.
[20:16:17][W][nextion:341]: Nextion reported page ID invalid!
[20:16:25][D][sensor:127]: 'nswhite uptime': Sending state 33.71500 s with 0 decimals of accuracy

TFT-update log:

INFO Reading configuration /config/esphome/nswhite.yaml...
WARNING GPIO4 is a Strapping PIN and should be avoided.
Attaching external pullup/down resistors to strapping pins can cause unexpected failures.
INFO Starting log output from nswhite.local using esphome API
INFO Successfully connected to nswhite.local
[20:18:49][I][app:102]: ESPHome version 2022.12.8 compiled on Feb 12 2023, 20:13:58
[20:18:49][C][wifi:504]: WiFi:
[20:18:49][C][wifi:362]:   Local MAC: C0:49:EF:FA:6D:74
[20:18:49][C][wifi:363]:   SSID: [redacted]
[20:18:49][C][wifi:364]:   IP Address:
[20:18:49][C][wifi:366]:   BSSID: [redacted]
[20:18:49][C][wifi:367]:   Hostname: 'nswhite'
[20:18:49][C][wifi:369]:   Signal strength: -56 dB ▂▄▆█
[20:18:49][C][wifi:373]:   Channel: 1
[20:18:49][C][wifi:374]:   Subnet:
[20:18:49][C][wifi:375]:   Gateway:
[20:18:49][C][wifi:376]:   DNS1:
[20:18:49][C][wifi:377]:   DNS2:
[20:18:49][C][logger:293]: Logger:
[20:18:49][C][logger:294]:   Level: DEBUG
[20:18:49][C][logger:295]:   Log Baud Rate: 115200
[20:18:49][C][logger:296]:   Hardware UART: UART0
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:108]: UART Bus 1:
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:109]:   TX Pin: GPIO16
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:110]:   RX Pin: GPIO17
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:112]:   RX Buffer Size: 256
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:114]:   Baud Rate: 115200 baud
[20:18:49][C][uart.arduino_esp32:115]:   Data Bits: 8
[20:18:49][C][template.binary_sensor:018]: Template Binary Sensor 'nswhite Right Button'
[20:18:49][C][uptime.sensor:031]: Uptime Sensor 'nswhite uptime'
[20:18:49][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Device Class: 'duration'
[20:18:49][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   State Class: 'total_increasing'
[20:18:49][C][uptime.sensor:031]:   Unit of Measurement: 's'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: NO
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Notification unread'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: YES
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Notification sound'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Confirmation Message'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: NO
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Update TFT display'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: NO
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:060]:   Optimistic: NO
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Relay 1'
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO22
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Relay 2'
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:031]:   Pin: GPIO19
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:076]: GPIO Switch 'nswhite Screen Power'
[20:18:49][C][switch.gpio:099]:   Restore Mode: always ON
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Relay 2 Local Fallback'
[20:18:49][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:50][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: YES
[20:18:50][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Temperature Correction'
[20:18:50][C][template.number:050]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[20:18:50][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:18:50][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[20:18:50][C][template.number:050]: Template Number 'nswhite Page Timeout'
[20:18:50][C][template.number:051]:   Optimistic: YES
[20:18:50][C][template.number:052]:   Update Interval: 60.0s
[20:18:50][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'left_button'
[20:18:50][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO14
[20:18:50][C][gpio.binary_sensor:015]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'right_button'
[20:18:50][C][gpio.binary_sensor:016]:   Pin: GPIO27
[20:18:50][C][template.switch:076]: Template Switch 'nswhite Sleep Modus'
[20:18:50][C][template.switch:087]:   Device Class: 'switch'
[20:18:50][C][template.switch:099]:   Restore Mode: restore defaults to OFF
[20:18:50][C][template.switch:059]:   Restore State: YES
[20:18:50][C][version.text_sensor:021]:   Icon: 'mdi:new-box'
[20:18:50][C][nextion:123]: Nextion:
[20:18:50][C][nextion:124]:   Device Model:     NX4832F035_011C
[20:18:50][C][nextion:125]:   Firmware Version: 69
[20:18:50][C][nextion:126]:   Serial Number:    BD8C3401CC6E8967
[20:18:50][C][nextion:127]:   Flash Size:       16777216
[20:18:50][C][nextion:128]:   Wake On Touch:    True
[20:18:50][C][ntc:014]: NTC Sensor 'nswhite Temperature'
[20:18:50][C][ntc:014]:   Device Class: 'temperature'
[20:18:50][C][ntc:014]:   State Class: 'measurement'
[20:18:50][C][ntc:014]:   Unit of Measurement: '°C'
[20:18:50][C][ntc:014]:   Accuracy Decimals: 1
[20:18:50][C][captive_portal:088]: Captive Portal:
[20:18:51][C][web_server:125]: Web Server:
[20:18:51][I][ota:113]: Boot seems successful, resetting boot loop counter.
[20:18:51][D][esp32.preferences:113]: Saving 1 preferences to flash...
[20:18:51][D][esp32.preferences:142]: Saving 1 preferences to flash: 0 cached, 1 written, 0 failed
[20:18:53][D][nextion_upload:169]: Connected
[20:18:53][D][nextion_upload:175]: Requesting URL:
[20:18:53][D][nextion_upload:209]: Updating Nextion NX4832F035_011C...
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:235]: Waiting for upgrade response
[20:18:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:54][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:239]: Upgrade response is  4
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 0 : 0x00
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 1 : 0x00
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 2 : 0x00
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 3 : 0x05
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:246]: preparation for tft update done
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:283]: Allocating buffer size 65536, Heap size is 156120
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:305]: Updating tft from "" with a file size of 211158 using 65536 chunksize, Heap Size 88964
[20:18:54][D][nextion_upload:044]: Requesting range: bytes=0-16383
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:57][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:58][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:18:59][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:00][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:01][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:02][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:03][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:04][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:05][D][nextion_upload:316]: Heap Size 101512, Bytes left 194774
[20:19:05][D][nextion_upload:044]: Requesting range: bytes=16384-81919
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:10][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:11][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:12][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:13][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[20:19:14][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
INFO nswhite.local: Ping timed out!
INFO Disconnected from ESPHome API for nswhite.local
WARNING Disconnected from API
WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for nswhite.local: Hello timed out
andersop91 commented 1 year ago

It may be worth mentioning that importing the blank version of the tft-file was tried without issues.

IversenT commented 1 year ago

Just had the same issue.

Works fine now.

Blackymas commented 1 year ago

or use the issue search the topic has been discussed a few times :)

andersop91 commented 1 year ago

As mentioned, I did try loading the blank settings for NSPanel, and dit it without issues. I did some more research and figured out this seemed to be an nextion generated error; So I downloaded the editor, changed to another device, then back again to the "NX4832F035_011", recompiled and generated a new tft.

Worked at first try.

I'll try to provoke the same error again so see if it was just a coincident or i might have done something wrong to begin with.

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

Looks like the same as #166. Take a look over there...

andersop91 commented 1 year ago

@edwardtfn: Some similarities, but I've currently made the display work as intended without having to solder any wires to the board. I've been wirelessly connected to the display through espHome all the time.

I've made some more attempts to upload a new tft-file, but the result is consequent: the _nspaneleu.tft from this repo fails when calling _upload_tfturl from HA. My recompiled file works as a charm, but I can't say why. New files are attached (both HMI and TFT) if anybody is interested:

Really appreciate the work that has been done here. I'm looking forward to continue using this config and customize the nspanel for my use.

This issue is solved from my point of view, but I'll leave it up to @Blackymas to decide if this is a issue worth looking into.

Blackymas commented 1 year ago

@andersop91 good to hear. What exactly did you change in the hmi before you created the tft?

Prash1407 commented 1 year ago

I've made some more attempts to upload a new tft-file, but the result is consequent: the _nspaneleu.tft from this repo fails when calling _upload_tfturl from HA. My recompiled file works as a charm, but I can't say why. New files are attached (both HMI and TFT) if anybody is interested:

@andersop91, this file was the final solution to my issue - I had the same on both of my panels, but using your file has finally worked, and I am at v3.10.

Thanks again and @Blackymas i think for most of us having the issue, the file above may be the solution.

andersop91 commented 1 year ago

@andersop91 good to hear. What exactly did you change in the hmi before you created the tft?

That's the wierdest thing, to be honest. I did try to compare the HMIs using this tool, but they are identical. What I did was to first open the file and compile my own tft - failed. Second I changed the device setting to a another device , saved, then changed device again back to the correct one. Then I compiled a new tft and succesfully uploaded this. I'm having a hard time believing this myself, so it actually good to hear it's not only me that have this problem.

If I get some time of in the weekend I'll do some more research.

Blackymas commented 1 year ago

@andersop91 do you have an update?

andersop91 commented 1 year ago

No updates yet. Busy days at the moment - I'll let you know when I have more..

iNaiks commented 1 year ago

Just had the same issue.

  • Rebooted device (disconnect/connect power)
  • Loaded ESP config for NSpanel_blank.tft
  • Updated TFT display
  • Loaded ESP config for NSpanel_eu.tft
  • Updated TFT display.

Works fine now.

Same thing but with a recompiled version "nspanel_eu_recompiled.tft" founded in other issue (but I don't know where is the link to the page)

frittes commented 1 year ago

I have the same problem. I use an esp32 with a nextion 3,5" display. The device model is NX4832T035_011R. With the T in the model name.

I tried all possible solutions, but no luck.

True[19:26:39][C][nextion:123]: Nextion: [19:26:39][C][nextion:124]: Device Model: NX4832T035_011R [19:26:39][C][nextion:125]: Firmware Version: 99 [19:26:39][C][nextion:126]: Serial Number: E467A8F01B1E2B28 [19:26:39][C][nextion:127]: Flash Size: 16777216 [19:26:39][C][nextion:128]: Wake On Touch: True`

Is it possible to add the model in the tft files?

Blackymas commented 1 year ago

As I have already written the problem is not in the code I can and have not adjusted anything in the code or can implement something.

I had the problem but also once. This message occurs when the TFT upload is not successful.

In most cases it helps to upload the TFT again or to upload the nspanel_blank.tft before.

I can not change anything. Alternatively it can be uploaded via tasmota or via Nextion Editor.

There are also some posts about this here. use the search in Issues and discussion

thanks ;)

ivanovd commented 1 year ago

Although this is closed, I wanted to share that the recompiled tft worked for me as well.

MarkuZP commented 1 year ago

or use the issue search the topic has been discussed a few times :)

Thats right but it would be nice if we could flash without display issues one time... I had this several times and its annoying. Sometimes it works 1st try and sometimes I must flash tasmota and then ESPHome back to get it working.