Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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issue with thermostat and cover #783

Closed pbranly closed 1 year ago

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Hi After several hours I could upload both tft and esp thanks to Tasmota. It seems and work fine and I can add switches, lights, temperature, weather but:

ervee commented 1 year ago

Hi, for the climate page you need to tap this icon:


I can't help with the covers.

Not all forecast services work the same IMO. Which service do you use? Set the climate to Default and select your service entity. Openweathermap and buienradar (Netherlands) seem to work best for me.


pbranly commented 1 year ago

Hi I don't have this choice for weather image

ervee commented 1 year ago

I'm still on blueprint 3.2.2 so perhaps that first setting is removed. Have you tried another weather integration/entity?

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

It should work with most of the weather providers.

Could you please share the yaml of your blueprint configuration?

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

I tried to add a climate but nothing appears (while as stated) it should at least generate a specific page

As @ervee mentioned, adding a climate will show the indoor temperature in your screen. You have to click at that number to be able to see the climate page.

I tried to add covers but it is displayed only as on/off toogle

On the buttons pages, all the buttons will respond with a toggle to the short press, however, lights and covers will respond for a long click (hold for 1sec, I think) and will show the detailed screen.

I don't have any content in the daily weather forecasts

I've asked for info about which integration you are using, so I can replicate. It would be nice if you can also go to the Developer Tools, select the tab States and then filter for your weather entity, so please send a screenshot showing its attributes, like this: IMG_6209 This will help a lot.

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

Set the climate to Default

That selection was removed on v3.3.

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Please find the copy of the automation generated by the blueprint

alias: "NSPanel "
description: ""
  path: Blackymas/nspanel_blueprint.yaml
    nspanel_name: 76520303a8cbc905d522e79f6a527b5e
    language: FRA
    weather_entity: weather.villeneuve_d_ascq
    outdoortemp: sensor.netatmo_netatmo_module_exterieur_temperature
    indoortemp: sensor.netatmo_netatmo_module_interieur_temperature
    show_while_loading: true
    climate_optimistic: true
    qrcode_enabled: false
    entity01: switch.lampe_cuisine
    button_page01_label: Lampes
    entity01_icon: mdi:ceiling-light-outline
    relay_1_local_fallback: true
    date_format: "%d/%m"
    entity01_name: Cuisine
    climate: climate.vanne_chambre_nicolas
    left_button_entity: button.nspanel_restart
    left_button_name: Restart
    entity02: switch.prise_salle_tv
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
    entity02_name: Prise salle TV
    entity02_icon: mdi:power-socket-eu
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
    entity03: switch.prise_bureau
    entity03_name: Prise bureau
    entity03_icon: mdi:power-socket-eu
      - 255
      - 255
      - 0
    entity09: cover.volet_bureau_nicolas_time_based
    entitypages_enabled: true
    button_page02_label: Volets
    entity09_name: Bureau Nicolas


pbranly commented 1 year ago


edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

After several hours I could upload both tft and esp thanks to Tasmota.

Unfortunately ESPHome is not that easy for dealing with someone trying to remove a screen from Protocol Reparse mode as Tasmota is, but in the version 3.3 we added an "Exit reparse" button, which makes that much easier. Have you tried that following the instructions from the release note? If not, I would propose you to try for a next panel (after the Sonoff TFT is replaced this is not needed anymore, so it's only for new panels). And let us know if you have some issue as the community here is always eager to help.


3. "Exit reparse" button

One of the biggest challenges to a new user is to upload the TFT file for the first time. This is due to Sonoff using the Protocol Reparse Mode to control the communication with the Nextion display. This prevents ESPHome to communicate with the display using its default libraries and therefore prevents installing the new TFT. With this version you will have a new button named "Exit reparse", which will send a command to the Nextion to exit that mode for a few seconds, giving to the use a chance to then upload the TFT file without the need to change your ESPHome settings or using older Nextion libraries. image Once you have successfully uploaded any of the TFT files from this project (nspanel_blank.tft, nspanel_eu.tft or nspanel_us.tft), the reparse mode will be permanently disabled and this button is not needed anymore.

If you have your panel displaying the Sonoff original screen, please follow the following steps to install your TFT file:

  1. Go to the front of your panel with a portable device with access to Home Assistant
  2. Open the device related to your panel under Settings > Device & Services > ESPHome
  3. Press the new button "Exit reparse" and wait for your panel to change it's screen to another page (which will take around 10s)
  4. While the new page is shown (it will be there for just a couple of seconds), press the button "Upload TFT"
  5. You should then see the progress bar in your display and after no more than 20 minutes the new TFT will be displayed.
pbranly commented 1 year ago

I could find how ton use the cover . The issue is that if I set at 25 %, it never stops until it fully closes Furthemore, the page reboots Phil

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

I don't see anything wrong with your weather setting. Can you see anything in your Home Assistant logs? (Settings > System > Logs)

Also, could you please share a picture of your display showing the weather page so we can try to get some clue of what is breaking?

pbranly commented 1 year ago

For the climate, I was hoping to have the possibility to add several thermostats. Only one is not enough Furthemore, it is quite impossible to use the rotation as it does not react in real time Phil

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Ok I will tomorrow Thanks Phil

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

I could find how ton use the cover . The issue is that if I set at 25 %, it never stops until it fully closes Furthemore, the page reboots

Definitely something is wrong and HA logs may help.

In my case, if I short press the cover, it will either open or close until finishes or I short press again, in which case it will stop. With a long press you can have even more control.

Which cover are you trying to control? Which integration?

pbranly commented 1 year ago

I don't see anything wrong with your weather setting. Can you see anything in your Home Assistant logs? (Settings > System > Logs)

----------> Nothing specific to esphome in the logs

Also, could you please share a picture of your display showing the weather page so we can try to get some clue of what is breaking?

IMG_4503 IMG_4502

Blackymas commented 1 year ago

@pbranly Multi climate Is possible via normal Button Page Check Release Notes

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

Nothing specific to esphome in the logs

I was not looking for something related to ESPHome, but more related to the automation you use to setup the Blueprint. Looks like it is crashing when constructing the weather page and this should create an entry in the logs.

Do you have similar results for all weather pages? I mean, if you swipe between the pages, will you have all blank? I'm not sure if you answered this before, but which weather integration are you using?

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Hi Yes all the daily pages are blank My weather integration is Météo-France Phil

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

Ok, I could duplicate this issue. I cannot go deeper now, but will take a look later and try to find the root cause.

In my case, I see some entries in the log: IMG_6215 IMG_6216

Don't you have something similar?

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Yes I have such errors: 2023-05-05_12-48_1 2023-05-05_12-48

pbranly commented 1 year ago

For the cover here is a video (sorry for the quality); I tried to set 50% withe slider; as you can see, there like a screen reboot and it does not stop at 50 % but at 0 % (full close)

pbranly commented 1 year ago

I found the issue: this cover uses a time based position that does not work with nspanel; I tried with a real position based cover (Velux SSL io) and it is working perfectly Phil

edwardtfn commented 1 year ago

Could you please let us know which integration is used by the cover which had the issue you've shown in your video?

pbranly commented 1 year ago

Hi This is the integration I use for all my covers The two that support natively the position (velux ssl io) work perfectly with Nspanel The 3 others that don't support natively the position but that are time-based don't work with Nspanel

And the way to get a time based cover from the one that does not is provided by


pbranly commented 1 year ago


this is a video that shows that rotating knob of climate does not work while up/down buttons do. sometimes, the rotating knob works a little but is not usable



deejaybeam commented 1 year ago

you have to use the "inner" ring to slide the temperature (move the bright dot)

pbranly commented 1 year ago

It does not work.

pbranly commented 1 year ago

I close that issue tracker and will recreate new one for each issue Thanks