Blackymas / NSPanel_HA_Blueprint

This allows you to configure your complete NSPanel via Blueprint with UI and without changing anything in the code
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TFT stopped #870

Closed Jens-Wymeersch closed 9 months ago

Jens-Wymeersch commented 1 year ago


I've had the panel working previously till it started to show a blue screen. Yesterday, I pressed Update TFT display - button. At approx 50%, it stopped and gave me the following error message

[E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0! [W][nextion:072]: Nextion is not connected!

Today, I reflashed the board and tried the process again with unfortunately the same result. Any idea what I can do ?

Jens-Wymeersch commented 9 months ago

@edwardtfn Sorry. Here you go

[23:51:05][D][button:010]: 'aptnspanel Update TFT display' Pressed.
[23:51:05][D][main:1556]: Button pressed: Update TFT display
[23:51:05][D][binary_sensor:036]: 'aptnspanel Nextion display': Sending state OFF
[23:51:05][D][nextion_upload:169]: Connected
[23:51:05][D][nextion_upload:175]: Requesting URL: http://hanew.local:8123/local/nspanel_blank.tft
[23:51:05][D][nextion_upload:209]: Updating Nextion NX4832F035_011C...
[23:51:05][D][nextion_upload:235]: Waiting for upgrade response
[23:51:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:05][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:06][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:239]: Upgrade response is  4
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 0 : 0x00
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 1 : 0x00
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 2 : 0x00
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:242]: Available 3 : 0x05
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:246]: preparation for tft update done
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:274]: Allocating buffer size 65536, Heap size is 146104
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:291]: Updating tft from "http://hanew.local:8123/local/nspanel_blank.tft" with a file size of 266972 using 65536 chunksize, Heap Size 77856
[23:51:06][D][nextion_upload:048]: Requesting range: bytes=0-16383
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:07][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:08][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:09][E][uart:015]: Reading from UART timed out at byte 0!
[23:51:09][D][nextion_upload:121]: Nextion reported new range 262144
[23:51:09][D][nextion_upload:302]: Heap Size 86320, Bytes left 4828
[23:51:09][D][nextion_upload:048]: Requesting range: bytes=262144-266972
[23:51:09][D][nextion_upload:302]: Heap Size 90284, Bytes left -3364
[23:51:10][D][nextion_upload:304]: Successfully updated Nextion!
[23:51:10][D][nextion_upload:310]: Restarting Nextion
[23:51:11][D][nextion_upload:313]: Restarting esphome
WARNING aptnspanel.local: Connection error occurred: [Errno 104] Connection reset by peer
INFO Processing unexpected disconnect from ESPHome API for aptnspanel.local
WARNING Disconnected from API
WARNING Can't connect to ESPHome API for aptnspanel.local: Error connecting to ('', 6053): [Errno 111] Connect call failed ('', 6053) (SocketAPIError)
INFO Trying to connect to aptnspanel.local in the background

Result, the NSPanel is totally blank for a while till it shows the QR code again.

Jens-Wymeersch commented 9 months ago

@edwardtfn Now i've loaded the nspanel_eu.tft and get to the bluescreen. Then saw that the blueprint needed to be updated which I did. FINALLY SUCCESS !

Thank you so much, Without you pushing me to try and try again i would have given up ! Jens