Blade6570 / icface

ICface: Interpretable and Controllable Face Reenactment Using GANs
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I always got the error about freeze_support something. #13

Open thanisornsr opened 4 years ago

thanisornsr commented 4 years ago

I follow the instruction and got the error like in the image I attached. Would you mind giving me some recommendation?

All the best, Than image

Blade6570 commented 4 years ago


Are you using this code on Windows? Then probably you are facing this problem Multiprocessing error without if-clause protection. I have pushed a possible fix into the repo. I don't have the windows machine so it's difficult for me to test. Please clone it again and try it. Close the issue if it is fixed.


thanisornsr commented 4 years ago

Yes I am running it on window 10. It work well when I use it on Colab. Thanks for the repo I will try that asap. May I ask one more thing? How do I test with the parameter just like in video? Are there any instruction?

All the best, Than