Blank-c / Blank-Grabber

The most powerful stealer written in Python 3 and packed with a lot of features.
MIT License
701 stars 200 forks source link

Malware? #193

Closed CrippinDog3 closed 1 year ago

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

This is a malware, created me an encoded .py file in start menu of windows, i want explanations

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Its clearly not my grabber. Did you download any other stealer before?


I don't know how you got this. I'd recommend you to download malwarebytes antivirus to scan your whole PC.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Upload as .txt

Can't I am on mobile rn.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

Its clearly not my grabber. Did you download any other stealer before?


I don't know how you got this. I'd recommend you to download malwarebytes antivirus to scan your whole PC.

Put as .txt pls

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

Can't I am on mobile rn.

So how can i see

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Turn off your AV and then see it.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Its illegal to make virus

Also, aren't you the one downloading Blank Grabber and building?

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago


CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

ok i saw it

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

how can i remove it

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

simply delete the file.

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

and scan your PC.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

i did it

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

what is exodus.exe

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

its a wallet. But if you haven't downloaded it then remove it.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

But this file created on startup, i removed it, do u think informations got sended?

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

no it won't. Also I checked the code, the webhook is invalid.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

Omg thx u

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

So its safe to assume that your info is safe.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

If i remove the file is all removed?

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Remove the file and scan your PC

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

With what?

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

Any good antivirus, try malwarebytes its pretty good.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago


Blank-c commented 1 year ago

And stop acting like a kid.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

I hope nothing is sent, its my dad pc that died 2 months ago

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago

And stop acting like a kid.

Wtf im just 12

Blank-c commented 1 year ago

I can't do anything 'bout it. You need to grow up.

CrippinDog3 commented 1 year ago


rolkoztm commented 1 year ago