BlankParticle / tailwind-plugin-realtime-colors

A Tailwind CSS plugin that allows you to load colors from URL of Realtime Colors
MIT License
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Dark theme variants not included in the stylesheet! #6

Closed SabirKhanek closed 1 month ago

SabirKhanek commented 1 month ago


First, I want to thank you for the incredible work on the tailwind-plugin-realtime-colors library. It has been very useful!

I've encountered an issue where the dark theme variants are not being included in the generated stylesheet. Specifically, I would like the following CSS to be included:

:root {
  /* light theme variables */

.dark {
  /* dark theme variables */

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Install and configure the plugin as per the documentation.
  2. Enable dark mode (adding dark class in the body).

Expected Behavior: The generated stylesheet should include dark theme variants within a .dark class.

Actual Behavior: The dark theme variants are missing from the stylesheet.


const config: Config = {
  content: [
  theme: {
    extend: {
      fontFamily: {
        poppins: "var(--font-poppins)",
        inter: "var(--font-inter)",
        montserrat: "var(--font-montserrat)",
      colors: {
        contrast: "var(--background-contrast)",
        primary: "var(--primary)",
        secondary: "var(--secondary)",
        text: "var(--text)",
        background: "var(--background)"
      screens: {
        ml: "425px",
        xsm: "375px",
  darkMode: "class",
  plugins: [
        theme: true,
        shades: ["text", "accent", "background", "primary", "secondary"],

Thank you for your assistance!

BlankParticle commented 1 month ago

I think it is being purged out, you should add safelist: ["dark"] to your tailwind config, that should fix it

SabirKhanek commented 1 month ago

Thank you, it solved my issue. One more thing I did was adding the 'dark' class to the instead of the .