This should only affect methods which are on the stack when the method is hooked, so hooking methods as early as possible should help. It's also only for compiled code, so resetting the app to interpret-only might help temporarily as well. But there's no real good way to avoid it.
09-11 16:20:58.086 3752 3752 I MDWechat: 模块加载成功
09-11 16:20:58.120 3752 3752 I MDWechat: wechat version=6.6.7,,MDWechat version=3.0.0
09-11 16:20:58.291 3752 3752 W zygote : Got request to deoptimize un-deoptimizable method void com.blanke.mdwechat.WechatHook.hookMain($LoadPackageParam, java.util.List)
09-11 16:20:58.291 3752 3752 F zygote :] Check failed: callee_method_ != nullptr com.blanke.mdwechat.WechatHook.hookMain
MDWechat: 3.0.0 WeChat: 6.6.7-play Android 8.1