Blazebit / blaze-persistence

Rich Criteria API for JPA providers
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Create an example project and an integration for Micronaut #1088

Open beikov opened 4 years ago

beikov commented 4 years ago

Would be cool if Blaze-Persistence could be used in a Micronaut application. Maybe it's already possible, but we should create a sample project and if we need something special, we should write an integration.

jwgmeligmeyling commented 4 years ago

@sranjha Perhaps something for you 😄

sgmeligmeyling commented 4 years ago

Perhaps 😄

soberich commented 4 years ago

So far it works, but I haven't tried the main feature of interest - Entity Views.

It produces

13:51:45.363 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister - Static SQL for entity: com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity
13:51:45.364 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister -  Version select: /* get version com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity */ select value from ( select * from ValuesEntity ) where value =?
13:51:45.364 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister -  Snapshot select: /* get current state com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity */ select valuesenti_.value from ( select * from ValuesEntity ) valuesenti_ where valuesenti_.value=?
13:51:45.364 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister -  Insert 0: /* insert com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity */ insert into ( select * from ValuesEntity ) (value) values (?)
13:51:45.364 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister -  Update 0: null
13:51:45.364 [main] DEBUG o.h.p.entity.AbstractEntityPersister -  Delete 0: /* delete com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity */ delete from ( select * from ValuesEntity ) where value=?
13:51:45.400 [main] DEBUG o.h.l.p.b.spi.LoadPlanTreePrinter - LoadPlan(entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
    - Returns
       - EntityReturnImpl(entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity, querySpaceUid=<gen:0>, path=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
    - QuerySpaces
       - EntityQuerySpaceImpl(uid=<gen:0>, entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
          - SQL table alias mapping - valuesenti0_
          - alias suffix - 0_
          - suffixed key columns - {value1_4_0_}

13:51:45.403 [main] DEBUG o.h.l.p.b.spi.LoadPlanTreePrinter - LoadPlan(entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
    - Returns
       - EntityReturnImpl(entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity, querySpaceUid=<gen:0>, path=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
    - QuerySpaces
       - EntityQuerySpaceImpl(uid=<gen:0>, entity=com.blazebit.persistence.impl.function.entity.ValuesEntity)
          - SQL table alias mapping - valuesenti0_
          - alias suffix - 0_
          - suffixed key columns - {value1_4_0_}

So integration works with stack

having JAVA_HOME set to Java 14 installation you can launch with

git clone -b micronaut-template micronaut-template && cd $_ && ./gradlew runShadow

Next I'll be adding entity views and make it more "examplish" more simple.

soberich commented 4 years ago

I am getting this

Caused by: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: com.blazebit.persistence.spi.JpqlFunctionKind
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.BuiltinClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.base/jdk.internal.loader.ClassLoaders$AppClassLoader.loadClass(
        at java.base/java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClass(
        ... 71 common frames omitted

EDIT: It was a Gradle issue. Version resolution is tricky because quarkus-bom depends on Blaze of earlier version, so I had to use enforcedPlatform.

It launches fine now.

soberich commented 4 years ago

@beikov I got it working, I think Blaze Persistence is really a cherry on a pie. It's a great library. There is a bug. If entity class extends generic mappedsuperclass type

class RecordEntity : AbstractAuditingEntity<RecordEntity.RecordId>() 

i'll fails at

with NPE

context.getElementUtils().getTypeElement(entityElement.getSuperclass().toString()); // returns null!!

returns null.

A workaround I did is to just to "mask" it.

class RecordEntity : GenericTypeMask()

Then it works.

beikov commented 4 years ago

Thanks for the report @soberich, I will look into this issue. Are you saying that there is no need for a micronaut integration because everything just works when using the annotation processor?

beikov commented 4 years ago

The PR will come with a fix for the issue that you found @soberich

soberich commented 4 years ago

The PR #1149 will come with a fix for the issue that you found @soberich

Thanks for letting me know.

Thanks for the report @soberich, I will look into this issue. Are you saying that there is no need for a micronaut integration because everything just works when using the annotation processor?

So far, yes. I will continue trying more edge cases. Hence, it's not valid to say "everything" until I'll finally write tests. I might be slow to report, I am trying to marry a lot of technologies in that playground, so there are some side effects when I introduce something new. Annotation processor is a great solution, I think. I remember we talked ByteBuddy vs. Javassist, I am am happy with annotation processor much more. I'll report whatever I find.