Blazebit / blaze-persistence

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Entity view collection not respecting hibernate's OrderColumn #1867

Open dsarlo-viso opened 3 months ago

dsarlo-viso commented 3 months ago


Pulling a collection into an entity view that relies on hibernate's OrderColumn is not in order.

Expected behavior

The collection should be ordered by the OrderColumn

Actual behavior

The collection on the entity view is not ordered correctly. The entity collection is correctly ordered but the entity view collection isn't.


Using the following on the collection in the entity view works @MappingIndex("INDEX(this)")

Steps to reproduce

Parent entity:

@Table(name = "org")
public class Org {
    @OrderColumn(name = "leader_order", nullable = false)
    @CollectionTable(name = "org_leadership", joinColumns = @JoinColumn(name = "org_id"))
    private List<LeadershipContact> leadership = new ArrayList<>();

Child entity:

public class LeadershipContact {
    @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.LAZY)
    @JoinColumn(name = "org_id", nullable = false, updatable = false)
    private Organization org;

EntityView (non-creatable non-updatable just for response):

public interface OrgDetailsResponse {
    Long getId();

    List<OrgDetailsResponse.LeadershipContactView> getLeadership();

    interface LeadershipContactView {
        String getFirstName();

        String getLastName();

        String getEmail();

        String getTitle();

        String getLinkedinUrl();


Version: 1.6.11 JPA-Provider: Hibernate 5.6.15.Final DBMS: PostgreSQL 13.3 Application Server: Spring Boot 2.7.18