Blazemeter / RTEPlugin

JMeter RTE (TN5250, TN3270 & VT420) plugin for testing Mainframe applications
Apache License 2.0
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Not Able to select a menu and press Enter #12

Closed MaryWX1118 closed 3 years ago

MaryWX1118 commented 3 years ago

Hi dev Master,

I am trying jmeter RTE plugin to do online performance with mainframe app.

However, we have a main menu page with multiple menu select options, it's a screen without input field, but only that we can select some menu by placing the cursor under the menu, and press Enter.

Now if I do this, jmeter will throw exception that invalid input field.

Please help if I miss anything or is this an issue waiting / can be fixed?



MaryWX1118 commented 3 years ago

how to do this with : make the cursor focus on some position, say row 11, column 18, without any input, but press button?

Baraujo25 commented 3 years ago

Hi @MaryWX1118

Currently, the plugin doesn't have functionality for sending an attention key to the desired position. We haven't experienced such a scenario before.

In order to provide you with a proper answer or even a workaround, we will need more information for the purpose of replicating the issue on our side.

What do you think if you take a look at this article on our wiki? That article will guide you to capture a TCP dump of the full flow you intend to automate. You can mail me the TCP dump to

Let me know if you have any trouble when getting the dump in order to help you.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Joaquin.

MaryWX1118 commented 3 years ago

Hi Joaquin, Due to the company's security policy, we are not allowed to send the dump file to the other party.

Our screen is a screen with menus only, for example:

Countries for you to choose: France India Japan Australia America Spain

in my case, if I want to choose "Japan" this menu, I have to place my cursor under "Japan", and then click Enter button. since these are all menus, when we come to this screen, the cursor is defaulted to point under "France", so if I use the Send Keys and select tabulor, down arrow 1, in input value field leave it blank, and press Enter, it throws invalid input field exception. I think this is due to the input value field is mandatory, for my case, we don't need to input any value, only press Enter button with cursor at the right position.

this is so far I can provide.



Baraujo25 commented 3 years ago

Hi Mary,

I understand what you are trying to do. As I already mentioned, the plugin does not support the functionality to send an attention key to a certain position yet. In order to provide the plugin with that functionality, we need to get a flow to see how the protocol behaves when making that kind of request.

Now that I brought up the protocol, I'm forced to ask you about the protocol you are using, is it VT420? If that's the case, you should be able to send an Attention Key (E.g: ENTER) to a certain position, it's just a matter of movements with the arrows. On the other hand, if you are using protocols from the TN family such as TN5250 or TN3270 that workaround won't work, because those protocols work with fields and not sending character by character as VT420 does.

Without a TCP dump of the flow you intended to run, it will be very difficult to achieve a solution.

In addition, if you find any similar scenario that you can actually share with us, we will be more than happy to provide you with a solution. For example, there is a free TN5250 instance running on a page called PUB400. I did not have the chance to review the whole Mainframe App, but I do not discard the possibility that your scenario could be found on that MA.

I will be looking forward to your response.

Best regards, Joaquin.

MaryWX1118 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Joaquin for the info provided.

Ours is TN5250. But we do have a lot of scenarios to press those Attention Keys(ENTER, F3...) w/o the necessity to input anything.

I will try the PUB400 and let you know if I can reproduce the case.

Thanks again Joaquin.

I will update soon.


MaryWX1118 commented 3 years ago

Thanks Joaquin, I am short of the words to express my appreciation/big thank you for all the efforts you have devoted to get this resolved. It works perfectly with TN5250 now.

I am closing this issue.

Thanks Again!
