Blazemeter / RTEPlugin

JMeter RTE (TN5250, TN3270 & VT420) plugin for testing Mainframe applications
Apache License 2.0
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SSLv2 Connection possible? #15

Open GCasarotto opened 3 years ago

GCasarotto commented 3 years ago

My team is doing a POC for a Mainframe test using the Jmeter RTE plugin, however we can’t get the thing to connect. We tried adding certificates to keystore file, changing protocols, etc. but we always receive a handshake failure.

Talking to the Mainframe team we got the following configuration: Telnet Parms Secureport xxxx Keyring SAF TN3270SSL Encryption SSL_3DES_SHA SSL_DES_SHA EndEncryption SSLtimeout y SSLv2 EndTelnetParms

So we suppose we need to change the connection type to SSLv2. Is it possible to use SSLv2 in the RTE plugin? If so, how to do it?