Blazemeter / blazemeter-jenkins-plugin

Run a BlazeMeter test as part of your Jenkins continuous integration process.
Apache License 2.0
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Blazemeter plugin generate empty junit report #91

Open idan-marciano-jfrog opened 2 years ago

idan-marciano-jfrog commented 2 years ago

I am running blazemeter from jenkins using the plugin and i have set properties to generate junit report. it comes back empty with no test results even though test was executed. also time stamp seems bad

generated file:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
   <testsuite name="JUnitXmlReporter" errors="0" tests="0" failures="0" time="0" timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58" />
   <testsuite name="JUnitXmlReporter.constructor" errors="0" skipped="0" tests="0" failures="0" time="0.006" timestamp="2013-05-24T10:23:58">
         <property name="java.vendor" value="BlazeMeter Ltd." />
         <property name="compiler.debug" value="on" />
         <property name="project.jdk.classpath" value="jdk.classpath.1.6" />

bitcoder commented 2 years ago

same here :( any news concerning this?