Blazemeter / jmeter-http2-plugin

HTTP2 plugin for Apache JMeter
Apache License 2.0
45 stars 27 forks source link

bzm - HTTP2 Async Controller - 2nd a subsequent Requests not made when in a Loop Controller. #59

Closed Pill30 closed 8 months ago

Pill30 commented 9 months ago

Win11 Pro JMeter 5.5 Java 11 and tried Java 19 HTTP/2 - jmeter-bzm-http2-2.0.3 (

Test Loop Controller * 2 bzm - HTTP2 Async Controller

End Loop

Result Even though the loop controller is 2, the Sampler request is only made once. This is not a caching issue. The problem isn't specific to GraphQL, it's just an example. Note that if you don't use the 'bzm - HTTP2 Async Controller', the 2nd request is correctly made.

NOTE: - This does NOT occur on v2.0.3-alpha.3 (+jetty 11.0.10)

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @Pill30

Could you provide a jmx file that allows us to reproduce the issue easily?

Pill30 commented 8 months ago

@3dgiordano Testplan attached. (saved as .txt extension) Right click on thread group and select Validate. Sampler request to github only made once even though loop is set to 2.


Files Used: image

Screenshot: image

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @Pill30

Thank you very much for providing the example to understand what exactly was the case.

The problem it's the same problem reported on this issue

I'm working on it and I hope to make the solution available between today and tomorrow.

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @Pill30

New release with fixes released. You can access it from the Releases section on GitHub.

It will be available in Plugin Manager in the next 24 hours.

Could you tell us if this version resolves the reported issue?

Pill30 commented 8 months ago

Hi @3dgiordano,

Retested said jmx with:

It's now correctly making requests as per loop counter. Thanks for your excellent work. Bravo.

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Thank you @Pill30 for reporting the issue and also confirming its resolution.

I proceed to close the current issue. If you have any new problem, do not hesitate to raise a new issue.
