Blazemeter / jmeter-http2-plugin

HTTP2 plugin for Apache JMeter
Apache License 2.0
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Not able to see http2 bzm sampler in jmeter 5.6.2 #60

Closed heysarthak closed 8 months ago

heysarthak commented 9 months ago

Hi team i installed the plugin in jmeter 5.6.2 but i am not able to sampler in the GUI

heysarthak commented 9 months ago

image image

AddRemover commented 9 months ago

same issue here

Baraujo25 commented 9 months ago

Hi, thanks for reporting the issue!

Since JMeter 5.6.x there were a few changes in the HTTP Panel which we consume in order to re-utilize the UI component and create the HTTP2 Sampler panel.

HTTP2 sampler is not displayed since an exception is thrown due to the above-mentioned changes done by the JMeter team.

In the meantime, I'll highly recommend you use JMeter version 5.5.x or lower.

We are currently working on the issue.

Expect a release with the corresponding fix.

Again, thanks for reporting.


heysarthak commented 9 months ago

Hi Joaquin,

By when can we expect the fix, do we have any timeline?

Thanks Sarthak

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @heysarthak

The fix was released in version 2.0.4. You can download it from the version in the Releases section or you can wait for it to be available in Plugin Manager.

Let me know if the version works correctly for you in order to close the issue. Thank you

AddRemover commented 8 months ago

Tested 2.0.4 It's now run OK, no any error message. But actually any sample of your plugin sent HTTP1.1 messages instead of HTTP2.0

heysarthak commented 8 months ago

Jmeter Version 5.6.1 http2 2.0.2

Creating summariser

Created the tree successfully using /var/lib/jenkins/ocslf_tests/data/traffic/jsons/config_without_ramping.jmx Starting standalone test @ 2023 Oct 6 13:37:43 UTC (1696599463801) Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445 summary + 1159 in 00:00:16 = 72.2/s Avg: 22 Min: 15 Max: 126 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 3 Started: 1161 Finished: 1158 summary + 21506 in 00:00:30 = 717.0/s Avg: 7 Min: 2 Max: 44 Err: 0 (0.00%) Active: 175 Started: 2225 Finished: 2050 summary = 22665 in 00:00:46 = 492.3/s Avg: 8 Min: 2 Max: 126 Err: 0 (0.00%)

Jmeter Version 5.6.2 http2 2.0.4

Creating summariser

Created the tree successfully using /var/lib/jenkins/ocslf_tests/data/traffic/jsons/config_without_ramping.jmx Starting standalone test @ 2023 Oct 6 13:33:41 UTC (1696599221904) Waiting for possible Shutdown/StopTestNow/HeapDump/ThreadDump message on port 4445 summary + 1352 in 00:00:18 = 75.4/s Avg: 2 Min: 1 Max: 126 Err: 1352 (100.00%) Active: 1 Started: 1352 Finished: 1351

heysarthak commented 8 months ago

Hi team i think its sending http1.1 in v2.0.4 , as my request only contains http2 requests.

heysarthak commented 8 months ago

Hi Team,

I just want to know, what options do i have now, as the latest apache and http2 plugin versions are not working with each other, and http2 v2.0.2 contains jetty version 11.0.10 which has a lot of CVEs.

Thanks Sarthak

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @heysarthak

Any issue or question not related to the incident reported in the original card must be entered in its own issue on GitHub.

We appreciate not incorporating topics not related in order to maintain focus on the main topic that was originally reported.

Thank you

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @heysarthak

The original issue is related to the sample not appearing for use in JMeter 5.6.x That issue was resolved in release 2.0.4. If the issue was solved in that version, I would appreciate your confirmation, that way I will proceed to close the issue.

Any other doubt or question or report, not related to the original issue, you can create a new issue on GitHub. It is in order to allow each of them their correct management.

I await confirmation that it is now available for use in JMeter 5.6.x.

Thank you.

heysarthak commented 8 months ago

yeah it has started appearing.

AddRemover commented 8 months ago

as I already reported, original issue seems to be solved, however, plugin does not sent HTTP2.0 messages as supposed to do. Instead, all outgoing messages are HTTP1.1 Should be reported as new issue?

3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

Hi @AddRemover

Yes, create a new issue with your evidence that demonstrates the problem, or with the doubt.


3dgiordano commented 8 months ago

I close this issue related to the fact that it was not possible to use the HTTP2 plugin in JMeter 5.6.x. Any other issue or a new issue related to any other problem related to JMeter 5.6.x must be created a new issue.