BlazingForests / realsense_camera

use realsense camera in ROS
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Integrate with ROS kinect model #7

Open qazmichaelgw opened 9 years ago

qazmichaelgw commented 9 years ago

Hello BlazingForests, I am working on RealSense Camera Model: VF0800. And I want to use the the /camera_info topic. What's more, I hope to use the standard calibration built-in tool to calibration my camera. Is it possible to support this? Thanks a lot!

ashokvms commented 9 years ago

This is not available yet. The driver is now publishing with image_transport::Publisher and not with image_transport::CameraPublisher. This has to be eventually done to load the calibration file and have it published automatically in a camera_info topic. But as a work around, you can still calibrate your camera with camera_calibration node provided with --no-service-check parameter. Convert the calibration output into a yaml file using camera_calibration_parsers node. Load this yaml file using ros param load in the launch file of your node where you want to use this calibration data. Hope it helps!

qazmichaelgw commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I can calibrate the camera with --no-service-check. But I am not sure how to use it. For instance, if I want to use to track objects. What should I do to modify the file to make it compatible with my camera? Thanks a lot, hope you give me some advice.