Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
MIT License
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Refactor Navigator #215

Closed zHaytam closed 1 year ago

zHaytam commented 1 year ago

Let's be honest, the current one is absolutely mediocre.

TimDaborn commented 1 year ago

Hi Zanid,

Navigator widget needs to be remade into a proper one,

When you say made into a proper one – I would be interested to know what features you think the navigator should have and what are its shortcomings of the current one?

zHaytam commented 1 year ago



Better implementation:

That's what I noticed in multiple libraries, and I feel that it makes sense. If I'm not moving the nodes, why are they moving in the minimap? Of course, I'm open to discussion!