Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
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Problem with removing ports #220

Closed 314159265meow closed 1 year ago

314159265meow commented 1 year ago


when you remove ports from a node, the other ports often get the wrong position and sometimes in our case have their Initialized property set to false. The results are not deterministic though, I think it a timing problem with the MutationObserver.

You can test it in your demo. Browser: Chrome 104 Animation6_63

zHaytam commented 1 year ago


I can confirm the bug. I'm looking into it, thank you for letting me know. It does look like the link is as if it's going from another port (right or top/right)

zHaytam commented 1 year ago

Got it!

The issue is due to how Blazor detects changes inside a for loop.

Let's take the default node widget:

    @foreach (var port in Node.Ports)
        <PortRenderer Port="port" Class="default"></PortRenderer>

It happens that the deleted ports are: image

Which leaves the Right port right? Yes! But because of the for loop & blazor, the Top port is still rendered instead.
To fix it, we simply need to use the @key property:

    @foreach (var port in Node.Ports)
        <PortRenderer @key="port" Port="port" Class="default"></PortRenderer>
zHaytam commented 1 year ago

This also explains why it looks like in the demo that removing ports removes them anti clock wise. The thing is, it's random, so it shouldn't even look like that 😄

314159265meow commented 1 year ago

Thank you quick help, it did some very weird things for us, like rendering non attached links and eventually throw a JS exception ("getBoundingClientRect" of null).


The @key attribute fixes it perfectly.