Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
MIT License
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Documentation Instructions Not Working? #260

Closed AlmightyLks closed 1 year ago

AlmightyLks commented 1 year ago

Trying to follow the Quick Start from the docs.

For whatever reason it's not working for me? Am I overlooking something?

Repo: Commit of interest:

AlmightyLks commented 1 year ago

Nevermind: As the warning states

Pay attention When adding a DiagramCanvas, its parent needs to have an actual width/height, since all the layers in Blazor.Diagrams use width: 100%; height: 100% for them to be able to work properly.

I needed to add a width and height with a specific vh / vw. I tried this already with a fixed px amount, but that didnt work either, so I assumed things didn't work out, even when setting that.

Cheers :)