Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

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Source ports and target ports #295

Closed elgransan closed 1 year ago

elgransan commented 1 year ago

Hi, it is possible to set a port as only source and other as only target?

zHaytam commented 1 year ago


You can create a custom class and inherit from PortModel, then override CanAttachTo to include whatever logic you need. In your case, a simple bool property IsSource for example can do the job, then the new method could look something like:

public override bool CanAttachTo(PortModel port)
            => base.CanAttachTo(port) && IsSource != port.IsSource;
elgransan commented 1 year ago

Hi thanks it's working perfect using aligments in this way

public override bool CanAttachTo(PortModel port) => Alignment == PortAlignment.Bottom && port.Alignment == PortAlignment.Top;

But I had to remove base method call because I couldn't connect itself, It's the correct way to allow connecting itself?


zHaytam commented 1 year ago

Yes, check out

elgransan commented 1 year ago

Perfect thanks a lot!