Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
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context menu and node right click #329

Open pfh59 opened 1 year ago

pfh59 commented 1 year ago


Sorry for my late reply,

In attachement a video to describe right click issue. Environnement :

  1. Left click stay pressed :
    • moving mouse
    • node move : => no problem 🎉 ✅
  2. Right click pressed or stay pressed:
    • Browser popup appear 😵‍💫
    • Left click to remove popup and the focus stay on node
    • Move your move without any button pressed => Node still moving without any mouse buttons pressed... 🚫

I find a workaround, I remove DragMoveBehavior and add my owned DragMoveBehavior

Originally posted by @pfh59 in

pfh59 commented 1 year ago

You can find here my CustomDragMovablesBehavior class:

using Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Geometry;
using Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Models.Base;
using Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Events;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Blazor.Diagrams.Core.Models;
using Blazor.Diagrams.Core;

namespace WHMapper.Pages.Mapper
    public class CustomDragMovablesBehavior : Behavior
        private readonly Dictionary<MovableModel, Point> _initialPositions;
        private double? _lastClientX;
        private double? _lastClientY;
        private bool _moved;

        public CustomDragMovablesBehavior(Diagram diagram) : base(diagram)
            _initialPositions = new Dictionary<MovableModel, Point>();
            Diagram.PointerDown += OnPointerDown;
            Diagram.PointerMove += OnPointerMove;
            Diagram.PointerUp += OnPointerUp;

        private void OnPointerDown(Model? model, PointerEventArgs e)
            if (model is not MovableModel || e.Button != 0)

            foreach (var sm in Diagram.GetSelectedModels())
                if (sm is not MovableModel movable || movable.Locked)

                // Special case: groups without auto size on
                if (sm is NodeModel node && node.Group != null && !node.Group.AutoSize)

                var position = movable.Position;
                if (Diagram.Options.GridSnapToCenter && movable is NodeModel n)
                    position = new Point(movable.Position.X + (n.Size?.Width ?? 0) / 2,
                        movable.Position.Y + (n.Size?.Height ?? 0) / 2);

                _initialPositions.Add(movable, position);

            _lastClientX = e.ClientX;
            _lastClientY = e.ClientY;
            _moved = false;

        private void OnPointerMove(Model? model, PointerEventArgs e)
            if (_initialPositions.Count == 0 || _lastClientX == null || _lastClientY == null)

            _moved = true;
            var deltaX = (e.ClientX - _lastClientX.Value) / Diagram.Zoom;
            var deltaY = (e.ClientY - _lastClientY.Value) / Diagram.Zoom;

            foreach (var (movable, initialPosition) in _initialPositions)
                var ndx = ApplyGridSize(deltaX + initialPosition.X);
                var ndy = ApplyGridSize(deltaY + initialPosition.Y);
                if (Diagram.Options.GridSnapToCenter && movable is NodeModel node)
                    node.SetPosition(ndx - (node.Size?.Width ?? 0) / 2, ndy - (node.Size?.Height ?? 0) / 2);
                    movable.SetPosition(ndx, ndy);

        private void OnPointerUp(Model? model, PointerEventArgs e)
            if (_initialPositions.Count == 0 || e.Button != 0)

            if (_moved)
                foreach (var (movable, _) in _initialPositions)

            _lastClientX = null;
            _lastClientY = null;

        private double ApplyGridSize(double n)
            if (Diagram.Options.GridSize == null)
                return n;

            var gridSize = Diagram.Options.GridSize.Value;

            // 20 * floor((100 + 10) / 20) = 20 * 5 = 100
            // 20 * floor((105 + 10) / 20) = 20 * 5 = 100
            // 20 * floor((110 + 10) / 20) = 20 * 6 = 120
            return gridSize * Math.Floor((n + gridSize / 2.0) / gridSize);

        public override void Dispose()

            Diagram.PointerDown -= OnPointerDown;
            Diagram.PointerMove -= OnPointerMove;
            Diagram.PointerUp -= OnPointerUp;
zHaytam commented 1 year ago

So you're now checking to see if its a left click first, great! That's exactly what I would've suggested.

I will add this fix to the next version