Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
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Is it possible to implement a Gantt chart using your library? #332

Closed Amir0715 closed 10 months ago

Amir0715 commented 12 months ago

Hi, I want to implement a Gantt chart and after studying the documentation, I'm almost sure I can do it using your abstractions. Approximately what I want to get:

Do you think it is possible to do this?

zHaytam commented 12 months ago


Is it possible? Yes. Would I recommend it? No.

This library will be too overkill for something that can be done without. A Gantt chart is really made up of nodes/ports, the links are only 1 variant, etc...

But if you want to still do it, I can answer any questions you might have!

Amir0715 commented 12 months ago

What difficulties do you think might arise?

zHaytam commented 12 months ago

I wouldn't say there will be difficulties if you use the library, I'm just saying that you will not be using a lot of features.