Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
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DiagramCanvas not re-rendering base on Parameter #366

Closed JanOfOlympus closed 8 months ago

JanOfOlympus commented 8 months ago

I have worked on the POC for diagram project here

here I tie the tab with diagram. I have an issue with diagram rendering here

  1. Click 'CreateDiagram'
  2. Add Node into Tab1
  3. Create another tab (named Tab2)
  4. The Node from Tab1 is also appear on Tab2

Im not sure why the DiagramCanvas is not render base on the CascadingValue here. Not sure I implement something wrong :(

I have Diagram.razor as parent component and DiagramComponent.razor as child component here

Thank you do much for your reply :)


flibbertigibbet-uk commented 8 months ago

@JanOfOlympus I cannot see BlazorDiagramPOC, is the repository public?

zHaytam commented 8 months ago


I can't see the repository either.

I'm guessing that you're using the same Diagram instance on both tabs. You should be creating 1 Diagram object per tab so that they are separate.

JanOfOlympus commented 8 months ago

@flibbertigibbet-uk @zHaytam Ohh I really sorry :( . I already made it public now :)

JanOfOlympus commented 8 months ago

@zHaytam Hmm ok I'm getting the idea, but I pass the Diagram object as param here so I think it should be new instance? Hmm I'm not sure, I'm very new to Blazor :). I'd be very appreciate if you could guide me. Many Thanks! :)

image image

Here the @BlazorDiagram?.Nodes.FirstOrDefault()?.Title is changed per tab.

zHaytam commented 8 months ago

It's okay don't be sorry!

I will test your repository tonight. Can you make sure you push everything to feature/diagram-poc?

JanOfOlympus commented 8 months ago

@zHaytam yep already :)

zHaytam commented 8 months ago

Found the issue/solution:

<DiagramComponent @key="i.TabId" BlazorDiagram=@(AppState.TabIdAndBlazorDiagrams[i.TabId]) />

Notice that in Blazor when you're looping and creating components, you should specify a @key so that it can accurately calculate the difference.


JanOfOlympus commented 8 months ago

@zHaytam Ahh ok thank you so much I didn't know this before. Many thanks for guidance :) You save me from the deadline tomorrow T0T.