Blazor-Diagrams / Blazor.Diagrams

A fully customizable and extensible all-purpose diagrams library for Blazor
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How to retrieve form data from nodes when saving processes #441

Open xuzeyu91 opened 1 month ago

xuzeyu91 commented 1 month ago
    <Card Size="small" TitleTemplate="titleTemplate" Style="width:300px;">

                    @foreach (var app in _appList)
                        <SelectOption TItem="string" TItemValue="string" Value="@app.Id" Label="@app.Name" />

    @foreach (var port in Node.Ports)
        // In case you have any ports to show
        // IMPORTANT: You are always in charge of rendering ports
        <PortRenderer @key="port" Port="port" />

@code {
    // This gets filled by the library
    [Parameter] public AppNode Node { get; set; } = null!;
    [Inject] IApps_Repositories _apps_Repositories { get; set; }
    RenderFragment titleTemplate =@<div><Icon Type="windows" Theme="outline" />选择应用</div>;
    private List<Apps> _appList = new List<Apps>();
    IEnumerable<string> appIds;

    protected override void OnInitialized()
        _appList = _apps_Repositories.GetList();

For example, when I use custom nodes, each node will have custom form content. How should I retrieve this data when saving? Currently, I can only retrieve nodes and links