Closed BerteskaLukas closed 4 years ago
What version of .Net Core are you using (for example are you using .Net Core 5?). Also, see if this helps:
I use .net core 3.1
i get error then i use
emailBody = await textEditor.GetHTML();
i use it to get text body, then i add string template to it and load textEditor.LoadHTMLContent(emailBody) . It works like template. I have premade templates.
On localhost i get that emailbody is
, on production get the error "root" property is undefined.
If you try to call:
emailBody = await textEditor.GetHTML();
as your .razor control loads you may get an error. If you call that code in response to a button click, after the .razor control loads, you should never have a problem.
However, you should never need to call .GetHTML()
when a .razor control loads. If there is already HTML content, for example in a database, simply get that HTML content from the database not the Blazored textEditor.
if(textEditor != null ) { emailBody = await textEditor.GetHTML(); } i was trying this. Now i just use emailBody = string.empty; and every thing works on local and is production. So it works but why it wroked on local but not on production i dont get it. Big thanks for all support and help!!!!
Hi, everything works fine on local host, but in production get this erorr. Any ideas ?
[2020-10-14T07:14:07.918Z] Error: Microsoft.JSInterop.JSException: Cannot read property 'root' of undefined TypeError: Cannot read property 'root' of undefined at Object.getQuillHTML ( at at new Promise ()
at e.beginInvokeJSFromDotNet (
at Array.forEach ()
at e.invokeClientMethod (
at e.processIncomingData (
at e.connection.onreceive (
at e. (
at Microsoft.JSInterop.JSRuntime.InvokeWithDefaultCancellation[T](String identifier, Object[] args)
at Blazored.TextEditor.BlazoredTextEditor.GetHTML()
at Prodivi.WebUI.Components.Common.Email.GenerateEmailBody(Boolean send) in C:\Users\leign\source\repos\Prodivi ERP\Prodivi.WebUI\Components\Common\Email.razor:line 161
at Prodivi.WebUI.Components.Common.Email.OnInitializedAsync() in C:\Users\leign\source\repos\Prodivi ERP\Prodivi.WebUI\Components\Common\Email.razor:line 133
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.ComponentBase.RunInitAndSetParametersAsync()
at Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.RenderTree.Renderer.GetErrorHandledTask(Task taskToHandle)