Blazored / Typeahead

Typeahead control for Blazor applications
MIT License
422 stars 102 forks source link


Open chrissainty opened 1 year ago

chrissainty commented 1 year ago

Hi all,

I appreciate I've been quite on this repo for some time now and it's about time I explained what's going on.

Right now I just don't have time to maintain this repo. That doesn't mean I'm never going to do anything with it again, but for the moment, nothing is going to happen. The Blazored packages have become way more popular than I ever thought they would and I'm just stretched to thin across all of them. On top of work, the other community stuff I do and family life, something has to give. For now it's this package.

Long-term this package needs rewriting from the ground up. It was one of the first packages I made and the lack of thought in its design reflects that. This will happen at some point, but I don't know when and I'm not going to commit to a timeframe either.

I appreciate that this is going to be unfortunate news for people, I wish I'd just admitted to myself sooner that this is what needed to happen. I hope you will all understand.

horazius77 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for sharing this. No need to apologize. We are all devs and can create a fork of our own if needed. Good decision to focus, especially family wise. Thanks for all your work for the blazor community!