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Oculus Rift Direct Mode not working #37

Open eugenschindler opened 8 years ago

eugenschindler commented 8 years ago

I tried all the example configurations that were included in the BlenderVR installation on Windows. Head tracker works, but the view doesn't switch to Oculus, stays only on the monitor in a window. Am I just missing a setting or is direct mode not supported? When setting the Rift to extended mode, dragging the window to the Oculus desktop and maximizing it, I can get a windowed view in Oculus.

dfelinto commented 8 years ago

I'm OSX and Windows platforms you need to mirror the desktop (and have them both with the Oculus resolution) to have Oculus working. Linux is the only platform where you can specify BlenderVR to run in a dedicated desktop (though it still isn't via direct mode).

We need to specify that in the manual ( )

eugenschindler commented 8 years ago

Thanks. That was my "hack" solution as well. I really hoped to be able to get it to run in direct mode (like Unity does). Updating the manual is a good suggestion. Do you need help on that?

On Thu, Aug 27, 2015 at 4:20 PM, Dalai Felinto wrote:

I'm OSX and Windows platforms you need to mirror the desktop (and have them both with the Oculus resolution) to have Oculus working. Linux is the only platform where you can specify BlenderVR to run in a dedicated desktop (though it still isn't via direct mode).

We need to specify that in the manual ( )

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dfelinto commented 8 years ago

Do you need help on that?

If you are even slightly familiar with RST that would definitively help.

The related file is:

Additional info I think it's relevant for Linux environments:

""" You need to run ovrd in order to have the Oculus communicating with the applications. ovrd is part of the Oculus SDK.

All this communication is done via the /dev/hidraw2 device. The hidraw driver provides the RAW interface for HID (Human Interface Devices) USB and Bluetooth.

How to install it? All you need is to run make install as indicated in the README.Linux file of the SDK.

Additionally, if you run into problems, you may be required to load the OpenGL library from a recent driver. For example by adding export LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/nvidia-346/ to your .bashrc file (replace-346 by your driver version). """

eugenschindler commented 8 years ago

I don't mind adding the bare stuff I needed to do to make it work on Windows. I can also add your information about Linux. What is RST?

PyrApple commented 8 years ago

RST stands for reStructuredText (, kind of interpreted .txt files used to build docs (pdf, html) with sphinx ( Always useful to learn (thanks dalaï :), yet if you don't feel like waisting time over it:

  1. I'll add the changes you and dalaï mentioned to dk2.rst or
  2. You may add the bare instructions in dk2.rst as you would a standard .txt file and I'll adapt it for sphinx compilation here.

(regarding direct mode, I'm still giving it a search every once in a while yet hadn't find where/how to start the implementation so far)

eugenschindler commented 8 years ago

Never mind, I found out that it must be the reStructuredText markup. No problem, I will be able to deal with that :-)

eugenschindler commented 8 years ago

Ah, seems we cross-posted. Thanks for the info! Does this help with getting further on the direct mode of the Rift: ?