BlenderVR / source

Blender Virtual Reality Main Code
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Python 3.5; Cannot find BlenderVR root #49

Open Cygn opened 7 years ago

Cygn commented 7 years ago

I'm on fedora 24 which comes with Python 3.5, so PySide is not available (and won't be for python >3.4, see PySide/PySide#132) So I try to run without the gui. here is my cln: ./blendervr start -configuration ../samples/basic.xml -screen 'Fullscreen' -processor "../samples/basic/head-navigation/" -blend "../samples/basic/head-navigation/roomVR.blend" see complete output [here] (

I guess PySide errors are harmless, and the daemon starts, but dies with:

AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'useLoader' Cannot find BlenderVR root ! Try adding --BlenderVR-root option to BlenderVR (./blendervr --BlenderVR-root="path") !

Adding different flavors of --BlenderVR-root pointing to source, . or /absolute/to/source didn't help. note that above processor/xml/blend configuration were tested OK. I guess there are other modules which won't take 3.5 ? Is there a workaround ?

Cygn commented 7 years ago

By the w&ay this is not related tp Py3.5. It's the gui-less mode which cuases the issue.