BlessCSS / bless

CSS Post-Processor
MIT License
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Add input AST with SourceMap attribution support #33

Open dotherightthing opened 10 years ago

dotherightthing commented 10 years ago

I'm running grunt-bless on my CSS after it has been run through grunt-contrib-compass.

grunt-bless is a wrapper for bless.js, while grunt-contrib-compass is a wrapper for Compass.

When grunt-contrib-compass is run with the latest version of Compass (1.0.0.alpha.19), with:

"options": {
    "sourcemap": true

.. a sourcemap is generated for each CSS file that is generated:


The .map file can be read by browsers like Google Chrome, to trace styles back to the original Sass file.

This works fine - up until the point when grunt-bless is run on the Compass output. Now we have:


There are three problems here:

  1. should be generated
  2. should contain the pointer "file": "screen.blessed.css" (rather that "file": "screen.css")
  3. screen.blessed.css should contain the pointer /*# */


paulyoung commented 10 years ago

Thanks. 4.0 is coming up and is the best candidate for this.

booleanbetrayal commented 10 years ago

I imagine this is a rather annoying feature for implementation, but I can vouch for its importance as we move to a proper piping workflow.

mevbg commented 9 years ago

Hey Paul,

Do you have any news about how version 4.0 of bless.js is going on?

I also have the issue with the stripped comment for my source maps.


paulyoung commented 9 years ago

Hi @martinmethod!

I just changed jobs :computer:, moved :house:, and had another baby :baby:, so things have been on hold for a while.

Planning on giving this some attention soon so that it can be in a better place to accept contributions.

adam-lynch commented 9 years ago


For me it would be best if bless returned the computed sourcemap programmatically. If I have the following code (using version 3 just for this example FYI):

new (bless.Parser)({
    output: outputFilePath,
    options: blessOpts
}).parse(contents, function(err, blessedFiles, numSelectors) {          

Then each blessedFiles should have a map / sourcemap property as well as content, etc. This would allow for gulp sourcemap support.

paulyoung commented 8 years ago

I think this issue can now be closed since sourcemaps were added as part of #63.

mtscout6 commented 8 years ago


inukshuk commented 8 years ago

Just a quick question, it looks like it isn't possible to pass-in source maps, is that correct? In other words, if I already generate source maps in node sass, modify them in autoprefixer and then want to run bless on the result -- this is a scenario that is not supported yet, or is it? Thanks a lot for your work!

mtscout6 commented 8 years ago

@inukshuk You're right, though it wouldn't take much to change it to do so. We parse out the AST at Basically we just need to decouple the AST parsing from the chunking which is a move in the right direction. I'm too busy to tackle it this week, but would be open to a pull request that addresses it.

I'll re-open this issue and change the title to reflect this.

inukshuk commented 8 years ago

@mtscout6 thanks for the confirmation. Not much time this week either, but I'll see if I can take a stab at it,

ericnewton76 commented 7 years ago

looks like this is still waiting to be implemented

i see that v3.1.10 has sourcemaps support... awesome!